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Title:Female Rapist and her Family
Created:May 12th, 2020
Created by: Anonymous
Views: 530
Comments: 2
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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Internet, do your thing! ============================================================= RAPIST AND ABUSERS KEEPING IT IN THE FAMILY ============================================================= Name: Alice Christine Taylor - Rapist, Abuser Online Alias: Spaceman_Spiff Address: 79 Parsons Piece, Banbury, OX16 9NS,UK Phone number: 0797607789 email addresses: time.for.a.tea.break@gmail.com alicetaylor87@gmail.com www.facebook.com/The.Spaceman.Spiff Initiated a relationship with a vulnerable 17 year old whilst 21. Over the years used the young persons health conditions to steal medications and control her. Alice went on to marry the her. Over the years A continued to use her health conditions to control and obtain medications. She was witnessed screaming and shouting at her wife whilst she was unconscious due to neurological conditions. She was abusive and threatening, and had previously attempted to kill her wife. Alice withheld life saving medication from her wife, along with pain killers that she needed in order to function daily. She kept her in a state of pain, both physically and mentally. She claimed it was all down to "autism" so was not responsible (false diagnosis, actually has Borderline Personality Disorder). After several years of this, in 2019, A started to use the likes of Crystal Meth, Heroin etc, from someone she met online. It was at this time that A raped her wife. She later made her wife choose whether Alice should go to the Police and maybe report herself, or kill herself. It ended up going to the police, but A denied everything, as she wanted her to have to relive the rape and abuse. A also stole her wife's laptop, and over the years forced her wife to take out loans and use credit cards that equate to over £10K, and used combined household money to buy drugs online, leaving her wife with nothing. Because they were married, the police will not act, despite a mountain of evidence proving all that Alice did, a verbal recorded confession, email trails and medical reports. Because it was reported a few months after the rape occurred, the police deemed it Alice's word against her wife's. Alice claimed it was consensual, so was let free. Her wife tried to take her life in November and is lucky to be alive. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Catherine Christine Taylor Online Alias: Pallen / PallenTV / twitch.tv/pallenTV Number: 07835353861 email: cathyytaylor@gmail.com Part in the above: Lived with Alice for a brief time and was witness to what went on during a 6 month period. Did not intervene and continues to support her rapist sister. Wanna be e-girl. Uses her "sympathy stories" to gain money off of suckers on twitch. Compulsive liar in regards to health conditions. Claimed an ex-boyfriend tried to kill her, however the police proved it was the other way around. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Marie/Mary Smith - Abuser, Rapist sympathiser. Address: 79 Parsons Piece, Banbury, OX16 9NS,UK Was witness to many incidents however continued to let them play out. Assisted Alice in initially handling stolen goods. Despite knowing what had occurred, and having been involved and witness to previous incidents of domestic violence towards Alice's wife, continued to support Alice and deny the events occurred. Known alcohol user, would use this as an excuse to beat kids and abuse husband (runs in the family!) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- David Rousell - Rapist of a minor (family member) Info: https://www.facebook.com/rouselld/ Company name: Riverview Recruitment https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/11282456/filing-history David at the age of 17 raped his under aged cousin. The family then continued to hide this, and it has been hidden from his wife and sister. He now has kids of his own. He was never held accountable for his actions.
1 year ago
4 years ago