This is a message to all the fuckers out there who like to go with underage people. I generally HATE these fuckers but considering the fact that this fucker works in a facility with patients just escalates things. this grown ass man is working in a facility where patients are injured and defenseless. Who knows what the fuck this shithead can be thinking. ESPECIALLY towards underage people. From here on out, here is the information about this sick pedophile shit face. Real Name: Tyler Hedlund Randall Address: 6209 N 129th St Omaha NE Phone Number: +1 402-395-6996 Email: PROOF OF TYLER HEDLUND PEDOPHILE ACTIVITIES: Current Employment: Social Media: This fucker still works in that "health care facility", but fuckers like him should be put into prison. This is a case that took place in 2019 But yet the judge didn't sentenced him, This just proves how corrupted the justice system really is, HOWEVER but yet somebody who kills someone in self defense still gets a more harsher sentence. This just proves the fact that the justice system don't care about what your going through unless its about them. As the saying says, "with what they have determines on how they act. Give them more and answers shall be revealed." In other words all these judges want is money and an "attorney", the better you have it the more you'll be free. At least in their fucking eyes. -TheCyberOrganization