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Created:Mar 27th, 2024
Created by: Anonymous
Views: 198
Comments: 2
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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Legal Name ......... Eric Joshua Leon Age ................ 43 (1981 or 1980) Email .............. ericleon3@att.net Phone Number ....... (805) 584-2003 - LandLine Phone PACIFIC BELL .................... (804) 240-0532 - Wireless Verizon Current Residence .. 2910 Chippewa Ave, Simi Valley, CA 93063-2015 4 beds · 3 baths · 2,523 sq ft · $1,046,000 Purchase Year ...... 2007 by Sandra Lousie Leon & Alan Michael Leon, 73yr Ownership |Trust Subdivision |2622-3 Original Loan |$183,000 Estimated Equity |$967,111 Previous Addresses . |297 Country Club Dr, APT 1, Simi Valley, CA 93065-6630 Parents: .......... Sandra Louise Leon |Age 73 (1951 or 1950) |Married to Allan M Dr Leon ................... Alan Michael Leon |Age 74 (1950 or 1949) Court Records ..... | Closed #1932930 9/23/2014 | Type: Traffic: Adult Infractions | End: Failure to Appear | Location: Traffic Legal Name ........ Robin Ashly Roundtree |Age 41 (1983 or 1982) |(805) 368-2372 - Wireless Verizon $$$$$$$\ $$\ $$$$$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ | $$ __$$\ $$ | $$ | $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$\ $$ / \__|$$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$\ $$ | $$ |$$ __$$\ \$$\ $$ | $$ __$$\ $$ | $$ | $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ | $$ | $$ |$$$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ / $$ | \$$$$ / $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | \__|$$$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ _| $$ / $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ $$< $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ ____|$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$ |$$ /\$$\ $$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$ | $$ | \$$$$$$$\ \$$$$$\$$$$ |$$ | \$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$\$$$$ | \_______/ \______/ \__/ \__| \_______/ \____$$ | \__| \_______| \_____\____/ \__| \____$$ | \_____\____/ $$\ $$ | $$ | \$$$$$$ | $$ | \______/ \__|
10 months ago
10 months ago