keywords: Enes3078, Enes Canbazoğlu, Malatya, Techolay, Technopat, XenForo,, inönü üniversitesi

====[      Reason      ]====
> This self proclaimed "cyber security enthusiast" who has the knowledge of a 12 year old's, terrorizes online communities by 
harassing users, being toxic, and abusing whatever he could to silence them. When confronted with his actions, he makes up some
bullshit to justify his retarded actions.

If you are an employer or a HR worker, or just someone doing basic OSINT about this person, make sure you read this dox to have
enough information about him.

==== [       Info      ] ====


T.C Kimlik No: 31979060252
isim: Enes
soyisim: Canbazoğlu
Doğum tarihi: 1 şubat 2003 (1/2/2003)
il: Malatya
ilçe: Yeşilyurt
Okul: inönü üniversitesi bilgisayar mühendisliği


==== [     Anne     ] ====
Anne: Behice Canbazoğlu
Anne T.C Kimlik No: 43090688918
Pek info bulamadım, muhtemelen para karşılığı seks yapıyor

==== [    Baba    ] ====
Baba: Engin Canbazoğlu
Baba tel:  0422 326 57 41 (iş  yeri)
Baba iş: Apricopy Büro Makinaları (Şeyh Bayram Mah. Nene Hatun Sok. Yeşilyurt, Malatya)
Baba site:
Baba T.C Kimlik No: 48421511118

paste might be updated as new info is gathered