DISCLAIMER: This individual is above the age of 18. EQ doxx : First name - Solangel Last name - Miller Country - USA First home mother State - Pennsylvania City - Hazleton Street address- 332 E Juniper St Zip postal code - PA 18201 Second home Father State - New York City - Bronx Street address- 712 Fox st Apt 1B Zip postal code - 10455 Mother - Ramonita Estrella Father - Jorge a miller Socials: Snapchat - solsnaps01 and Eqknows User id discord - 1115332494800207952 discord- dominicandemon, Alreem, EQ#3536 EQ's mother https://www.facebook.com/ramonita.estrella EQ's 1st sister https://www.facebook.com/kimberly.miller.58152559 EQ's father https://www.facebook.com/jorge.miller.372