▒█▀▀▄ ▀▄▒▄▀ ▒█▀▀█ ▒█░▄▀ ▒█▀▀▀█ ▒█▀▀▀█   ▒█▀▀▄ ▀█▀ ▒█▀▀▀█ ▒█▀▀█ ▒█▀▀▀█ ▒█▀▀█ ▒█▀▀▄   ▒█░▄▀ ▀█▀ ▒█▀▀▄   ▒█░░░ ▒█▀▀▀ ░█▀▀█ ▒█░▄▀ ▒█▀▀▀ ▒█▀▀▄ ▒█░▒█ ░▒█░░ ▒█▄▄▀ ▒█▀▄░ ░▄▄▄▀▀ ▒█░░▒█   ▒█░▒█ ▒█░ ░▀▀▀▄▄ ▒█░░░ ▒█░░▒█ ▒█▄▄▀ ▒█░▒█   ▒█▀▄░ ▒█░ ▒█░▒█   ▒█░░░ ▒█▀▀▀ ▒█▄▄█ ▒█▀▄░ ▒█▀▀▀ ▒█░▒█ ▒█▄▄▀ ▄▀▒▀▄ ▒█░▒█ ▒█░▒█ ▒█▄▄▄█ ▒█▄▄▄█   ▒█▄▄▀ ▄█▄ ▒█▄▄▄█ ▒█▄▄█ ▒█▄▄▄█ ▒█░▒█ ▒█▄▄▀   ▒█░▒█ ▄█▄ ▒█▄▄▀   ▒█▄▄█ ▒█▄▄▄ ▒█░▒█ ▒█░▒█ ▒█▄▄▄ ▒█▄▄▀ ▒█▀▀█ ▒█▀▀▀ ░█▀▀█ ▒█░░░   ▀▀█▀▀ ▒█░▒█ ▀█▀ ▒█▀▀▀█   ▀▀█▀▀ ▀█▀ ▒█▀▄▀█ ▒█▀▀▀ ▒█▄▄▀ ▒█▀▀▀ ▒█▄▄█ ▒█░░░   ░▒█░░ ▒█▀▀█ ▒█░ ░▀▀▀▄▄   ░▒█░░ ▒█░ ▒█▒█▒█ ▒█▀▀▀ ▒█░▒█ ▒█▄▄▄ ▒█░▒█ ▒█▄▄█   ░▒█░░ ▒█░▒█ ▄█▄ ▒█▄▄▄█   ░▒█░░ ▄█▄ ▒█░░▒█ ▒█▄▄▄ /./././.Reason For DOX: /--------Taking part In Cheating/Hacking Communities and groups--------\ /--------Doxxing People (Adults and minors)--------\ /--------Scamming People on discord and telegram--------\ /./././.His personal Info: Name : Giannis Sirname : Aliprantis Living in : Paros Greece,Marmara Age : 17 His phone number : 6988225776 New instagram : al1prant1ss(he deleted the g_aliprantis because he scared) /./././.His parents Info: Father : Petros Aliprantis Mother : Marina Xondroudh WARNING ! This kid is a bastard he quitted after this dox do NOT let this kiddos terrify you!IRL they are nothing just fat kids and idiots. If you find him on instagram troll him he is just a DISCORD KID do not be scared of him i say it AGAIN. They are 24/7 on pc and depressed.....