║                                     Drex.re The end                                                                                             ║║
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                                             Who is Drex.re?
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 Welcome to my paste, today we will be reviewing under the wannabe Drex, the FiveM owner that has owned about 3 successful projets, Drex like's to flex over-funds from his successful "servers", Drex is a name within the
"FiveM" community that is pretty known, as of owning big servers like Fatal RP, Stealth RP, Foul RP, Sob Remastered, etc. It seems as his ego rises after he becomes more successful. The downfall of the victim (Drex) is 
absolutely absurd, to the fact where he put his "own" "quote" in his Discord profile bio.

"i may of had the biggest downfall, but the word "up" exists to, and ill show everyone that soon" 

Drex, the victim used to have a insane Opsec,  until  he stopped owning servers, or atleast "lost" his motivation. Drex comes from many communities *from what i know*, from RUST, Fortnite, & FiveM  i have recovered all
of the identifiers for each Online-Game. Drex also claim's that he is *undoxxable* or atleast WAS.  He also try's to fool people by using fake legal names on EVERYTHING, And publicly shows it for attention.

Lets get into it...


> - Iott 
> - Iot
> - Drex
> - Linux
> - Fatality
> - Lovely
> - Josiah
> - Dessa
> - Karson
> - {Deleted User}
> - Sunrise
> - aqa
> - aquizzity 
> - ycr
> - Konix
              Personal Information


> First Name: Mateo 
> Last Name: Rodriguez -- Not confirmed  
> Age: 15 
> Date Of Birth (DOB): 1/21/2009
> Gender: Male
> Relationship: Taken -- Not confirmed
> Number: Unconfirmed
> City: Davenport
> State: FL
> Address/Residence: 436 Calabay Parc Blvd, Davenport, FL 33897
> House Images: https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/436-Calabay-Parc-Blvd-Davenport-FL-33897/68610048_zpid/

            Social Media Contacts


> EPIC Games: aquizzity --  2020 Current
> Instagram:  mrodrig_z - 2024 active
> Spotify: Drex - 2024 active
> Discord:  josiahxdrex - 2024 active
> Discord ID: 1207133010713907200 - 2024 active
> Email 1: mateosowd@gmail.com - 2024 active
> Email 2: fivemupvotersupport@gmail.com - 2023 active
> Email 3: sowdjosiah@gmail.com - 2023 active

                                                         More information is coming soon
