First Name: Chad
Second Name: Either Ewer or Thompson


Mothers name: Shanna Akilah Ewer (Shanna Akilah Thompson)
Date of Birth: 6/1/1979

Primary Home: (605) 348-2339 [Landline]
Primary cell: (404) 402-2027
Other phone numbers: (678) 793-6369

Current address: 2411 Arnold Palmer Way
                     Duluth, GA 30096

Other addresses: 1087 Redan Trce
                 Stone Mountain, GA 30088
                 5271 Reps Trce
                 Norcross, GA 30071 

                 1081 Redan Trce
                 Stone Mountain, GA 30088 

                 1087 Redan Trl
                 Stone Mountain, GA 30088

Relatives: Andre M Thompson
Date of Birth: 7/4/1985

Primary Home: (770) 558-6672 [VolP]
Primary cell: (404) 247-8755
Other phone numbers: (404) 401-2027

Current Address: 1087 Redan Trce
                 Stone Mountain, GA 30088 

Other Addresses: 5271 Reps Trce
                 Norcross, GA 30071 

                 PO Box 29
                 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 
                 180 High St Apt 44
                 Portland, ME 04101 

                 100 Clairidge Ln
                 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 

                 2660 Weatherstone Cir SE
                 Conyers, GA 30094 

                 232 Summer Ridge Ln
                 Lawrenceville, GA 30044 

                 521 Summer Ridge Ln
                 Lawrenceville, GA 30044 


Andre's relatives include: Joy Thompson
                           Age: 62
                           Date of Birth: 4/7/1960

                           Primary Home: (770) 338-7949 [Landline]
                           Primary Cell: (678) 509-4167
                           Other phone numbers: (707) 689-3608 

                           Current Address: PO Box 2373
                                            Loganville, GA 30052

                           Other Addresses viewable here:

                           Shanna Akilah Ewer (info posted in earlier read)


                           Morris Oliver Thompson
                           Age: 57
                           Dat of Birth: 10/19/1964

                           Primary Home: (770) 338-7949 [Landline]
                           Other home numbers: (203) 371-5734 [Landline]
                                               (203) 377-8098 [Landline]
                           Primary Cell: (678) 371-1963
                           Other phone numbers: (404) 917-7755 

                           Current address: 2935 Rosebud Rd Apt 407
                                            Loganville, GA 30052 

                           Other addresses viewable here:


                           Theo Thompson
                           Age: 31
                           Date of Birth: 3/28/1991
                           Primary Home: (770) 338-7949 [Landline]

                           Current address: 4429 Raptor Ct
                                            Snellville, GA 30039

                           Other addresses viewable here: