_              _       _____    _____ 
      | |     /\     | |     |_   _|  / ____|
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  _   | |   / /\ \   | '_ \    | |   | | |_ |
 | |__| |  / ____ \  | | | |  _| |_  | |__| |
  \____/  /_/    \_\ |_| |_| |_____|  \_____|
|This is DrPepper10, a prolific predator who plays                                           |
|Garry's Mod servers in search of underaged players to harass. As of late he is a twenty six |
|year old man who has pursued a violently sexual relationship with a minor.                  |

|Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/chiefseattlerp/      |
|Discord: RealMustache                                     |
|Real Name: Nathan Vincent Hall                            |
|Address: 8273 Snohomish Rd, Blaine, WA 98230              |
|Emails: nathanhall100@hotmail.com, joanhall758@outlook.com|
|Phone: 360 756 0546                                       |

|Mother's name: Joan L Hall        |
|Mother's phone: 360 635 8471      |
|Mother's email joan2hall@yahoo.com|

|Father's name: John V Hall         |
|Father's phone: 360 305 8870       |
|Father's email: johnvhall@yahoo.com|

|Proof of his pursuance of a minor:                                                                         |
|https://streamable.com/ledxc0                                                                              |