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From 2013- 2015, Aviva served as the Director of Speechwriting for Israel’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York City. As the chief speechwriter for Ambassador Ron Prosor, Aviva crafted highly acclaimed speeches that advanced Israel's policies and informed public opinion. Aviva’s work has appeared in the pages of The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Foreign Policy, The Jerusalem Post, and other international publications. Aviva holds a Masters of Public and Non-Profit Management and Policy from New York University and an Honors Bachelor of Science from the University of Toronto. ️COMPANY REGION: massachusetts ️REGION: maranhao, brazil A COUNTRY: united states CONTINENT: north america NUMBER OF INPUTS: 816 FLOOR: female LOCATION: boston LOCATION: massachusetts EMAIL: avivak@cjp.org DATE: Oct 25, 2018 5 ️STREET: 126 High Street ️INDUSTRY: Non-Profit ⬆LEVEL: VP-Level 🇺🇸STATE: Massachusetts CITY: Boston DOMAIN: cjp.org COMPANY NAME: Combined Jewish Philanthropies (CJP) JOB TITLE: Associate Vice President of Israel Engagement POSTAL CODE: 02110 FULL NAME: Klompas Aviva A COUNTRY: United States BRANCH: Finance Administration ️TITLE: Associate Vice President of Israel Engagement NICK: Abdul Khaleque BRANCH: Other ⓁLINKEDINID: linkedin.com/in/avivaklompas NAME SUFFIX: Associate Vice President of Israel Engagement NICK: Caitlin Simard NICK: Catherine Larson-Morin NICK: Charles Gaston NICK: Dave Hollowell NICK: Joseph Petrucelli NICK: Larry Patten NICK: Peter Linz NICK: Sara Arthur NICK: Stephen Moynian BRANCH: Marketing NICK: Tammy Lewis 🇺🇸STATE: New York CITY: New York ️TITLE: Senior Director of Israel Advocacy FULL NAME: Aviva Klompas JOB: israel advocacy START DATE: 2016-06-01 LINKEDIN PROFILE: http ID: 57d83aeda6da9809be0b70a5 ️ADDRESS: boston, massachusetts, united states EMAIL: aklompas@gmail.com ENCRYPTED PASSWORD: b602b2100cbb1248bb953be8019d21e2c26916fc54bb25459c1e3c70d4f1ec8a SALT: 469302a1b9d334acbab5bdf308c49a319f679f46 NAME: Aviva SURNAME: Klompas PASSWORD: ffbbuwtnyb LEAK SITE: visionsource-drgall.com CATEGORY: Medicine ENCRYPTED PASSWORD: $2a$10$uohZfzKFWeotnubpnGf6ZklT4elEPKW REGISTRATION DATE: 2014-06-15 11 🇦🇺LANGUAGE: ENGLISH PASSWORD: oGDfpvcGFnnioxG6CatHBw== PASSWORD HINT: #uncledave Search by avivak@cjp.org 1. COMB Email:Assword: avivak@eden.rutgers.edu:sk070432 avivak@gmail.com:asias avivak@gmail.com:asias avivak@mail.ru:vaknin avivak@rogers.com:swimming avivak@yahoo.com:asias avivak@yahoo.com:avivak avivak@yahoo.com:vaknin avivak-svetlana@mail.ru:virion avivak-svetlana@ukr.net:virion avivak@betach.co.il:fbobh_ar)l avivak@mweb.co.za:620221 2. Breached Adapt (https://adapt.io/) [2018-11-05], Apollo (https://apollo.io/) [2018-07-23], Data Enrichment Exposure From PDL Customer [2019-10-16], LinkedIn Scraped Data (2021) (https://linkedin.com/) [2021-04-08] 3. OvO Breaches 💧 2 results (https://search.0t.rocks/records?emails=avivak%40cjp.org&exact=true) 4. Google Search 🔍 1 result (https://www.google.com/search?q=%22avivak@cjp.org%22) Search by akchope@gmail.com 1. Google Name: Aviva K GAIA ID: 102936804045479463247 💬 11 reviews (https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/102936804045479463247) 2. Breached Adobe (https://adobe.com/) [2013-10-04], Animoto (https://animoto.com/) [2018-07-10], Cit0day (https://cit0day.in/) [2020-11-04], Data Enrichment Exposure From PDL Customer [2019-10-16], Evite (https://evite.com/) [2013-08-11], LinkedIn (https://linkedin.com/) [2012-05-05], LinkedIn Scraped Data (2021) (https://linkedin.com/) [2021-04-08], Nitro (https://gonitro.com/) [2020-09-28], You've Been Scraped [2018-10-05] 3. Registered Apple (https://iforgot.apple.com/password/verify/appleid?prs_account_nm=akchope@gmail.com&autoSubmitAccount=true&appId=142), Twitter (https://twitter.com/account/begin_password_reset), Instagram, Microsoft (https://account.live.com/password/reset), Spotify, Adobe, Atlassian, DisneyPlus, Evernote, Vimeo 4. Skype Name: Aviva Klompas Address: Canada Login: aklompas 🖼 Avatar (https://avatar.skype.com/v1/avatars/aklompas/public?returnDefaultImage=true) 👤 Skype Profile (https://transitapp.com/redirect.html?url=skype://aklompas?chat) 5. 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