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REASON FOR DOX: Scammed One Of My Friends For $10,000 Then He Proceeded To Move Away.


First Name: niel
Last Name: N/A
Phone number: 8920605620
Age: 15
School Address: Maxfort School Rohini, H.S – 2, Sector 23, Rohini, New Delhi, Delhi 110099, India
Country: INDIA
City: New Delhi

Mothers Info:

First Name: N/A
Last Name: N/A
Phone Number: +91 9560329512
Country: India
City: New Delhi

Fathers Info:

First Name: N/A
Last Name: N/A
Phone Number: N/A
Country: India
City: New Delhi

Victim 1 Photo's: https://imgur.com/a/odmtYAU, https://imgur.com/a/vg47qvp (Photo's Of The Victim Next To He's Mother.)
Mother Photo's: https://imgur.com/a/odmtYAU, https://imgur.com/a/vg47qvp (Her Next To Her Son)
Father Photo:https://imgur.com/a/ss5drLc