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     [karma] was here.

Online name:Nilrogram
Real Life name:Tyler Byer[19]
Mothers name:Dawn Byer
Stepdads name:Chris wolfie
Address:888 glen street Oshawa Ontario Canada[apt 302]
Discord user: @nildagoat
psn username:Nilrogram
his youtube channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUdo8FHZnWgbLDXWb8ydHqQ
credit card info[changed but heres the old number]:4536-0074-6346-8504 exp[09/27] cvv 629
his mothers facebook:https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079922409870
stepdads facebook:https://www.facebook.com/plwolfe
Online username known as nil/nilrogram
k̵a̸r̶m̶a̴ ̸j̵u̴s̵t̶ ̴e̶x̶i̵s̶t̸
some images of him being weird when talking to girls
2:[a 15 year old] https://imgur.com/o0Ua9hh
2:[same 15year old] https://imgur.com/1vqU5ZT