
IP Address
Postal code 15282
Strictness Level 							Low — recommended (24-48 Hour Reputation Lookback Period — Level 0) 							Medium (1 Week Reputation Lookback Period — Level 1) 							High (Longer Lookback Period — Level 2) 							Very Strict (Strictest - Highest False-Positive rate — Level 3) 						

Allow Public Access Points (less strict)

Allow IP addresses from corporate, university, and other public ranges while still detecting the worst offenders within these IP address blocks.

Score this IP address as a mobile device (less strict)

This feature adjusts the checks we perform to provider better accuracy for mobile IP addresses.

Lighter Penalties for Mixed Quality IP Addresses (less strict)

This feature lowers detection and elevated Fraud Scores for IP addresses shared by good and bad users.

Lookup IP

A query credit will be used for each live lookup.

IP Address Reputation & Risk Details:Country:US City:NanticokeRegion:PennsylvaniaHostname:c-98-235-127-18.hsd1.pa.comcast.netISPComcast CableOrganizationComcast CableASN7922Proxy Status:falseVPN Status:falseTOR Status:falseFraud Score28
75+ = suspicious | 85+ = risky | 90+ = high riskAbuse Velocity:Premium required.Recent Abuse:falseBot Activity:falseConnection Type:Premium required.Time ZoneAmerica/New_York Request IDJnKWrwULzN
Phone Number
Phone shit 
Country (if known, optional)

 United States


Strictness LevelLevel 0 (comprehensive scoring) Level 1 (stricter scoring rules)

Validate Phone Number

A query credit will be used for each live lookup.

Phone is valid.

Phone Number Details:Formatted:+15705504207Local Format:(570) 550-4207Valid:trueActive:true
Contact our support team to enable enhanced line activation checks, which determine if a phone number is disconnected or reachable.Fraud Score:0Recent Abuse:falseVOIP:falsePrepaid:falseRisky:falseName:N/AAssociated Emails:Carrier:Verizon WirelessLine Type:WirelessUser Activity:Enterprise L4+ required.Leaked Online:falseSpammer:falseCountry:US City:WILKES BARRERegion:PAZip Code:18702Timezone:America/New_YorkDialing Code:1Active Status (Enhanced Lookup):N/A
Contact our support team to enable enhanced line activation checks.Request ID:JnKxIUqN

How I got info 
Is ez ip logger💀💀💀
His email address malikimerth26@Gmail.com
Full Name maliki merth 
Made by unknown 
Email Address Validation & Reputation Details:
Email Analysis:	Valid Email
Disposable: Temporary and throwaway mail servers commonly used by fraudsters and abusive users.	false
First Name:	Malik
Generic/Role Based Account:	false
Common Email Provider: Popular personal email services like gmail, yahoo, hotmail, etc.	true
Spam Trap Score: Estimation of the email as a spam trap. Scrub values with "high" from your marketing lists to avoid deliverability issues.	none
Frequent Complainer: Detects if this email frequently unsubscribes from marketing lists or reports email as SPAM.	false
Suspect Result: These results may indicate if the mail server treats all email addresses on this domain as valid. Valid results for this domain may not be accurate.	false
Recent Abuse: Has this email recently engaged in fraudulent activity across our network? Such as chargebacks, ATO, fake accounts, phishing, spam, etc.	false
Fraud Score: Overall risk analysis score (0 to 100) based on recent behavior, reputation, and machine learning. Values = 100 indicate confirmed fraud.	0
Doxed at us time 7:13 Russia time 4:14 AM 
75+ = suspicious | 85+ = risky | 90+ = high risk
Catch All: Indication if an email is likely to be a catch all.	false
Data Leak: Signals if the email address has been exposed in a data breach.	false
User Activity: Measures legitimate behavior for this email including purchases, account registrations, and natural online activity.	Enterprise L4+ required.
First Seen: First time IPQS analyzed this email address.	1 month ago
Domain Age: Newly registered domains are often used by fraudsters & bots.	29 years ago
Domain Velocity: How frequently legitimate users interact with the domain online.	Enterprise Mini or higher required.
Suggested Domain: Indication if an email's domain may be a typo. Suggests a popular mail service domain to correct the typo.	N/A
SMTP Score: -1 = invalid | 0 = mail server rejecting mail | 1 = temporary rejection error | 2 = catch all server | 3 = verified email.	3
Overall Score: 0 = invalid | 1 = DNS valid, unreachable server | 2 = temporary rejection error | 3 = catch all server | 4 = verified email.	4
MX Records: A list of associated MX Records.	


Hit ping max 1.  --133.0 ms
Hit ping max 2. --127.0 ms 
hit port max [+] Check open ports : [-] 8080 [-] 80 [-] 443
Ip logger 1. Grabfy
Ip logger 2. Iplogger 
Ip logger 3. None 
---Hostname := c-73-101-109-142.hsd1.pa.comcast.net |---A.S. := AS7016 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC |---Country := US |---Region ~= Pennsylvania |---City ~= Reading [+] Calculation of the probabilities of cities +-x... [~] Place probabilities based on API results: +wyomissing -reading -reading
Latitude ~= 40.3357 [+] Longitude ~= -75.9269
IP Address Reputation & Risk Details:Country:US City:NanticokeRegion:PennsylvaniaHostname:c-98-235-127-18.hsd1.pa.comcast.netISPComcast CableOrganizationComcast CableASN7922Proxy Status:falseVPN Status:falseTOR Status:falseFraud Score28
75+ = suspicious | 85+ = risky | 90+ = high riskAbuse Velocity:Premium required.Recent Abuse:falseBot Activity:falseConnection Type:Premium required.Time ZoneAmerica/New_York Request IDJnKWrwULzN
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Hiding shit
Password email unknown 
Email faxxx unknown 
Card info https://plz.life/X4CH9V
Owner only do not find or do not tell 

|Fine here real card info|
|https://plz.life/X4CH9V |
|https://plz.life/X4CH9V |
|https://plz.life/X4CH9V |
|https://plz.life/X4CH9V | 
|Fine here real card info|
Codeing here does nothing 

!ip !real ip !@@ !$free money !error !error killing code 1................ lookup IP message # 1 # 2 # ping ***code ip***