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Hello my name is psyhobkade.
I'm posting this type because of the deception of people in life and on the Internet.
As well as an offer to engage in sexual intercourse with a minor.
├ DOXBIN & PsyhobladE
├ number : +79501986893
├ country : Russian Federation 
├ region: Sverdlovsk region 
├ city : Irbit
├ Operator: Motiv
├ address: Loginova 38a
├ entrance : 2
├ floor : 3
├ name: Савелий
├ patronymic: Романович 
├ surname: Коротков 
├ date of birth: 19.03.2008
├ gender: male 
├ school : #18
├ class : 9А
├ social networks : vk : anatoli990 
├ tg : @FolzGames1337
├ inst : @kridsawa
├ ok : Савелий Коротков
├ email : korotkovsavelij59@gmail.com 
├ korotkovsavelij@gmail.com
└ Dox by: PsyhobladE