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   ║                                                                                                                              ║
   ║About the pedo : this is a pedo that hunts little children and a girl molester on the internet and abuses servers like GanjaPvp steals
    files and so on                                                      ║
   ║   DC - 816277754206748702                                                   "ip": unknown                                       ║
   ║    NAME - Davidas Kniuras                                                    "country_name": Lithuania                               ║
   ║     DAD - Marius Kniuras                                                  "city": Siauliai                                    ║
   ║       discord: @daviduks                                                 "latitude": unknown                                    ║
   ║        Pretends to be: Deividas                                              "longitude":  unknown                                  ║
   ║   His and family socials                                                     "time_zone": Europe/Vilnius                             ║
   ║   https://www.facebook.com/Marius-Kniuras/                                  "isp": UAB durnelis                                  ║
   ║                                                                                          ║
   doxbin dont delete my post please
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