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Created:Jun 27th, 2023
Created by: monro3
Views: 329
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_____ ________ ________ / \ ____ ___________ ____\_____ \ ___ ___ \_____ \ ____ ______ / \ / \ / _ \ / \_ __ \/ _ \ _(__ < \ \/ / / / \ \_/ __ \ / ___/ / Y ( <_> ) | \ | \( <_> ) \ > < / \_/. \ ___/ \___ \ \____|__ /\____/|___| /__| \____/______ / /__/\_ \ \_____\ \_/\___ >____ > \/ \/ \/ \/ \__> \/ \/ EASON: UNMANNERED BEHAVIOR TARGET: DROZD ➫ SOCIALS: ➛ VK - https://vk.com/id226431250 ➛ STEAM PAGE - https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198850199890/ ➛ Telegram ID - 527116815 ➫ PRIVATE INFO ➛NAME - Alexandr ➛Surname - Propp ➛FN - Vasilievich ➛Birth Date - 07.01.1999 ➛PHONE NUMBER: 87052066558 ➛Tax identification number (TIN) - 990107350687 ➛PASSPORT NUMBER - 07350687 ➛CODE - 9901 ➛Photo - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1109585909248176301/1123032194978426921/image.png ➛Country: Kazakhstan ➛City: Uralsk ➛Address: ↪ Region: West Kazakhstan , City : Uralsk , Str: A.kusayynov , 179 ➛CORDS. : ↪ latitude : 51.218148 ↪ longitude : 51.392195 ➛Home - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1109585909248176301/1123046357507260496/image.png ➛College: Уральский колледж газа, нефти и отраслевых технологий (УКГНиОТ) ➛College address: Uralsk, Temir Masin Str. 48/1 ➛College PN: +77112508885 ➫ SISTER's INFO ➛NAME - Ksenia ➛Surname - Propp ➛FN - Vasilievna ➛Birth Date - 05.12.2001 ➛ VK - https://vk.com/ks_ks_ks05 ➛College - Колледж сервиса и новых технологий ➛College address: Uralsk, Builder Mds. 21/1 ➛College PN: +77112232143 ...........................7~ . .^!....................................... ........................ ..^?J^.^JJ!....................................... .................... :7J~. ^YPG! ....................................... .................. .755JPG?^^JY!7J!. ...................................... ................. ^5G55Y75#GBY^!?J?Y!. .................................... ............... .?GG55YJYBBBBPY7^ :?Y!. .................................. .............. ^5BGP5YYG##&@J: .... :?Y7: ................................ ............. !GBGP5Y5B&&&#^....... :7Y7::::............................ .............?#BG5J?PBB55#&P?^.......... :?PJ^^^^.......................... ............Y#BGP?!5BG7 7#@@&^.......... :7!^^!~^^........................ ...........J#BGGY?PBP~ ..^B5?Y! . .......:!~^75?!^........................ ......... ?#BBGPYGB5^ .. :^^^J75!^^ ... !#PJ!~?5Y^. ..................... ........ ~##BBG5GGY: . !JYGPYB@@B&Y!~....G@@@@?::!5Y~. ................... .........P#BBGPGBY: ..~!?B@@@@@@@@@@@G ?@@@@P^.. .!5Y~. ................. ....... 7#BBBPGBY: ...!G@@@@@@@@@@@@#BP~!@@@#7 .... .!55!. ............... ........PBBBGGB5: .... .~P@@@@@@@@@&^:?G@@@5: ........ .~Y5!. ............. ...... ~BBBGGBP^ ....... ~#@@@@@@@5 . .?P7 ............ .~Y57. ........... ...... ?BBGGBG~ ......... !@@@@@@@@&! .. ............... ~YP?: ......... ...... JBBGBB7 ..........:#@@@@@@@@@&^ ..................... ^YP?: ....... .......JGGGBY........... 5@@@@@@@@@@@#: ...................... ^YPJ^ ..... ...... ?PPBG:.......... !@&#@@@@@@@@@@B.......................... ^JGY^.... ...... !55B? ..........:B5^B@#@@@@@@Y!PY........................... ^?^.... .......:YYG^ ..........!~ ^@Y^@@@@GGJ ^:............................ ..... ........7YP............. ^P.:&@@@Y:7 ..................................... ........:J5...............:: ~&@@@7 ^...................................... ........ ^5:.................!B&@@JP? ..................................... ......... ^:.................^!#@@@@:...................................... ............................. ^5!P@@! ..................................... ............................... ^@@B5P^................................... ................................. ?#@&^ .. ................................ .............................. ..!G@@&^ .7:............................... ....................... .....^^ .7&@#5J !B5 ............................... ......................~~^:...:GG7G@GJJYP@&:................................ ......................^JB##BBB#@@@@@@@@@@? ................................ ......................^!Y#&&&&&####&&&&&&G7:............................... ......................:::::::::::::::::::^^................................ _______ ________ __________ ___________ _____ ________ __________ ____________________ \ \ \_____ \ \______ \\_ _____/ / \ \_____ \ \______ \ / _____/\_ _____/ / | \ / | \ | _/ | __)_ / \ / \ / | \ | _/ \_____ \ | __)_ / | \/ | \ | | \ | \/ Y \/ | \ | | \ / \ | \ \____|__ /\_______ / |____|_ //_______ /\____|__ /\_______ / |____|_ //_______ //_______ / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/