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Created:May 22nd, 2024
Created by: Yourgod
Views: 453
Comments: 4
Edited at: May 22nd, 2024
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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Presenting you the FULL DOXX of 444 FOURS AKA ACE AKA WYDACE AKA PAIN AKA WYDPAIN for the reason being: You want to be a pedophile correct? You're proud being a pedophile and you paid people to make you pedo edits to larp as being 'cool' while begging kids and children for nudes correct? hm? You disgusting cunt. Now look what you got yourself into, Douglas. For snaking your superiors, for snaking your idols, for begging online men to teach you on how to get nudes from underage girls, for cutting yourself, for pity guilt tripping girls into sending you nudes that are 13-14 years old. Your dox is below. Read it cunt Information: Douglas is a pedophile that has been trying to sell nudes of minors and underage children due to being broke and financially unstable, he has been kicked out of his home countless times repeatedly by his family, his mom and dad due to catching him flirting, sending his nudes and coercing minors online. He has also been flaunting and boasting about credit card swiping fraud where he had bought a 16 year old a sextoy, lush 2 from lovense. With the money that he had stole from his workplace in McDonald's where people had trusted him with their cards, more info will be below; -Personal information- Full name - DOUGLAS SILVA FERNANDES Alias - ace, fours, four, 444, douglas, pain, wydace, wydpain DOB - 03/28/2003 (21 yo) Last IP - Selfies - https://imgur.com/gallery/cLcoaRR https://imgur.com/gallery/04yXyB3 https://imgur.com/gallery/dRzqg3l (drivers license with his DOB) https://imgur.com/gallery/C1RMFv3 (douglas fernandes aka four aka 444 with his mom and sisters) https://imgur.com/gallery/2b6spfo (pictures and selfies and screenshots of him on cam, douglas silva fernandes) Height - 5'9 Numbers - +1 (954) 531-7127 (current) +1 (954) 821-6566 (previous) +1 (954) 821-6569 (previous) +1 (954) 871-1763 (previous) Workplace - McDonald's (according to his last workplace) 4294 N Alafaya Trail Orlando, FL 32826 Works number - +1 (407) 658-0579 Address - 2909 Notre Dame Dr, Orlando, Florida 32826 -Emails- bluteam1516@outlook.com bluteam1516@outlookm.com supreme1516@outlook.com (breached) -Passwords- aaa756 fef622 xvSOdx79 -Criminal record- 1) Charges Filed Date Jul 13, 2022 -Charges/Offenses Speed Posted Municip/State Rd-Driver -Crime Location Coral Springs, FL -National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Code 316.189 -Case Number 22031748TI20A -Exposes- The dropbox containing his cock pictures that he sent to a 16 year old and 17 year old is below, which was also confirmed by another 16 year old that he had sent his cock pictures to despite knowing her age while being 21. It will be regularly updated with his exposes and what he's been doing online and is currently doing https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ymlkj6lk4p87o7ovxtayj/AJNWWL1fw_7yZd3_tvEMo4k?rlkey=76l91gvjq61y9ml839i3n1y94&dl=0 https://imgur.com/gallery/Vg7FDN0 (police visiting douglas due to kaitlyn blackmore reporting him for child pornography possession of her nudes) https://imgur.com/gallery/r9qWYi5 (picture of him sleeping on call with a 12 year old on cam in a hotel room) -Underage girls whom he had dated and got nudes from and slept called- 1) Kaitlyn blackmore (15 year old canadian) 2) Venus/Decima Rose (dated at 16-17 years old) 3) Injected (14 year old welsh girl) 4) Kaitlyn Schnock (17 year old floridian girl) 5) Kazzy (15 year old american girl, made her cut herself) 6) Clover (15 year old australian girl, made her cut herself) 7) Maria (17 year old canadian girl, planned to meet up irl) 8) Savanita (16 year old american girl, made her cut herself) 9) Karma/Rozhina (dated at 17 years old, british persian girl muslim) 10) Makayla Schmehl (dated at 15 years old, made her cut 444 onto her skin) 11) Kenzie (16 years old floridian girl, planned to meet up with her) And more... This is genuinely a confirmed pedophile, a disgusting human being and scum of the earth. Keep in mind he's trying to talk about applying for the military, this is who you all want fighting for your country? LOL. Embarrassing ________________________________ -Social media- Snapchat - @foursontop Discord - @44405385 ID 1236021131992105056 Instagrams - @wydace @scxrdoug (deleted) Telegram - https://t.me/three4s TikTok - @wydaace Xbox - @kickherface Epicgames - @Ihave4gbsofcp (the name says it all) Pornhub - https://www.pornhub.com/model/angelacess/videos (offers whimpering videos here and submissive sessions where he whimpers for women and men) ________________________________ -Family- 1) DOUGLAS VERLI FERNANDES (father) Selfie - https://imgur.com/gallery/hf45ELn DOB - October 1981 (42 yo) Number - +1 (508) 473-6645 Work - Verli Pro Remodeling https://verlipro.com/?fbclid=IwY2xjawC6pUVleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHeIdb_eg1CFsgqfKlwMo1SDl0y6-iKlD1gt_0GztB3mIpqgJ3mAM4WKR7g_aem_AfasSpSyJzAXZU5V804yOjGYG1HkLqu36DMhJ8CFvpEL48O-Jc2Ob3ENL9eMoyUFK0mLtrMEqcrUzKpgMWLFfVu5 Works Instagram - @verliproremodeling Address - 2909 Notre Dame Dr, Orlando, Florida 32826 Emails - verliextreme@gmail.com douglasenagila@gmail.com rcarlos90@hotmail.com nagilaangelica17@gmail.com youngmoneygok1@gmail.com verlidoug@gmail.com doug.verli@gmail.com ducklady99@yahoo.com dougnagi@yahoo.com douglasnagila@hotmail.com nagila_dn@hotmail.com doug.verli@aol.com douglea1@aol.com dougverli@outlook.com douglasnagila@netzero.com douglasnagila@netzero.net douglea@caraudio.com douglea1@caraudio.com verliconstruction@outlook.com dougnagi@live.com doubeis@douglassmail.com dverli@yahoo.com dougverli@ecoutlook.com fernandes4321@ecoutlook.com douglea1@casaudio.com douglea@casaudio.com tondaadkins@aol.com roberto.fernandes@gmail.com linofer@msn.com Vehicles - FORD FOCUS Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100072735481363&mibextid=ZbWKwL Twitter - https://x.com/dougverli?t=8Nw6c9QekclF1DlmRioWjQ&s=09 Instagram - @verlidoug Donation site - https://www.vakinha.com.br/vaquinha/ajuda-ao-nosso-idolo-lima-sergipano Gravatar - @verlidoug1 Spouse - Nagila Fernandes/Silva 2) NAGILA SILVA/FERNANDES (mother) Selfie - https://imgur.com/gallery/aKXhj6c DOB - February 1985 (39 yo) Number - +1 (508) 473-6645 Education - High School from Natick High School (2001-2004) Work - Administrative Assistant at Verli Pro Management Employment history - Verli Pro Management Inc (Apr 30, 2024 - Apr 30, 2024) Address - 2909 Notre Dame Dr, Orlando, Florida 32826 Emails - nds.fernandes@gmail.com construanet@gmail.com mrf2212@gmail.com roberto.fernandes@gmail.com dougnagi@yahoo.com rcarlos90@yahoo.com rcarlos90@hotmail.com rcarlos90@comcast.net unitecontractors@gmail.com kndrcgreen@yahoo.com rcarlos1@hotmail.com rcarlos@hotmail.com ndsfernandes@gmail.com Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/nagila.fernandes?mibextid=ZbWKwL LinkedIns - https://www.linkedin.com/in/n%c3%a1gila-fernandes-0a5a38126 https://www.linkedin.com/company/verli-ventures-inc Spouse - Douglas Verli Fernandes 3) ENEIDA VERLI FERNANDES (grandma from dads side) Selfies - https://imgur.com/gallery/fpbI2XJ https://imgur.com/gallery/C6JFqeX https://imgur.com/gallery/XLRiaMT DOB - March 1956 (68 yo) Number - +1 (508) 685-5638 Work - Housekeeper at Davis Companies Address - 1418 Talley Ridge Dr, Woodruff, South Carolina 29388 Emails - rcarlos90_69@address.com giselledina2@gmail.com eneida_fernandes@hotmail.com eneida_fernandes@bellsouth.net pinkpixie27@aol.com mrf2212@gmail.com nds.fernandes@gmail.com pixotudo@gmail.com rcarlos90@yahoo.com wendellfernandes23@hotmail.com renee32786@yahoo.com Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/eneida.fernandes.1?mibextid=ZbWKwL LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/eneida-fernandes-a5327932 Spouse - Roberto Carlos Fernandes 4) ROBERTO CARLOS FERNANDES (grandpa from dads side) Selfies - https://imgur.com/gallery/wv4Znla https://imgur.com/gallery/fnHSdKH https://imgur.com/gallery/ROWPdV9 DOB - July 1953 (70 yo) Number - +1 (508) 685-5632 Education - High School Diploma at Guedes de Azevedo Degree at Quinsigamond Community College January 2004 to October 2006 Work - Unite Contractors https://www.facebook.com/UniteContractors?mibextid=ZbWKwL https://novoperegrino.com/?fbclid=IwY2xjawC6qsgBHQQ824TI9PRZXYYLVIhnX8-YXZ-jfHx55DSXURGh-pMPYEs2WMPZeFXI0g Address - 1418 Talley Ridge Dr, Woodruff, South Carolina 29388 Emails - rcarlos1@address.com rcarlos1@address.com OTHER EMAILS rcarlos90_69@address.com rcarlos90@hotmail.com douglasnagila@netzero.com rcarlos90@rcn.com rcarlos@ma.rr.com douglasnagila@netzero.net rcarlos@address.com rcarlos1@hotmail.com rcarlos90@netzero.net miena_ose@hotmail.com rcarlodos9011@hotmail.com rcarlos90@aol.com kndrcgreen@yahoo.com rcarlos90ba16@hotmail.com orcarlos90o49@hotmail.com rcarlos@rcn.com rcarlos90@address.com roberto.fernandesjg53@gmail.com rcarlos90@ma.rr.com douglasnagila@hotmail.com rcarlos90@netzero.com rcarlos90@gmail.com rnsir@msn.com roberto.fernandes@gmail.com nds.fernandes@gmail.com torfern@yahoo.com unitecontractors@gmail.com monicanajera10@gmail.com torfern@gmail.com rcarlos90@yahoo.com rcarlos90@msn.com roberto.carlos@verizon.net eneida_fernandes@hotmail.com rcarlos90@sbcglobal.net btverli@mac.com rcarlos@netzero.com btverli@hotmail.com bradgeorges1@gmail.com rcarlos@netzero.net robertofernandes@gmail.com wheelerln@yahoo.com nitehobbit@aol.com stacycummings14@yahoo.com mrf2212@gmail.com douglea1@aol.com rcarlos@hotmail.com construanet@gmail.com Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/rcarlos90?mibextid=ZbWKwL Spouse - Eneida Verli Fernandes ________________________________ -Other family- 1) Monique Verly Dutra Pascoal - https://www.facebook.com/Moniqueverlydutra?mibextid=ZbWKwL 2) Beto Verli - https://www.facebook.com/betoverli2?mibextid=ZbWKwL 3) Paula Fernandes - https://www.facebook.com/paula.fernandes.5055?mibextid=ZbWKwL 4) Cristiane Miranda Silva - https://www.facebook.com/cristiane.mirandasilva?mibextid=ZbWKwL 5) Wendell Verli Fernandes 6) Milena Rose Fernandes 7) Hideko T Fernandes 8) Grace T Fernandes 9) Glaucia C Fernandes 10) Mauricio Mifarreg Fernandes 11) Liliane Cristina Costa 12) Marcia F Fernandes 13) Fabio Lopes Da Silva 14) Selma Silva 15) Rodrigo Antunes ________________________________ --DOXXED BY SCHUTZ--
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