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Cristiano Alexander Catarino AKA DEMEAN0R is a Hypixel duels player and wannabe doxxer with a huge ego who larps on Discord all day, has admitted to autoclicking, is openly racist & homophobic, 
and an overall unhinged person who also talks about self-harm and killing people in real life. Catarino is in multiple LGBTQ & pro trans communities while being openly homophobic & racist on Discord. 
He obviously tries to hide this behavior from these communities to avoid being ostracized. Catarino also has the habit of leaking other players info & face in public servers. 
After we were told by multiple people that DEMEAN0R was going after my friends with dox and swat threats with screenshots showing him actually making threats against my friends and 
other players and that he has been accused of sexual assault in the past, that's when we decided to make this.

With all of this in mind, here is the DEMEAN0R dox. Enjoy!

║░░░║  PERSONAL INFORMATION ║ + ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║ #16 ║
Name ................ Cristiano Alexander Catarino                     
Known as ............ DEMEAN0R, demeanors, Ahlecc, Cristia1v0          
Age ................. 17
Gender .............. Biological Male (identifies as non-binary)                                                  
Date of Birth ....... 01/16/2007       
Race ................ White                                                  
Height .............. 5'7                                                
Weight .............. 140 lbs
Country of origin ... Canada            
Current address ..... 615 Burgess Ave, Hamilton, ON L8H 6H8
Picture of house .... https://ibb.co/2g9dYv1
IP Address(es) ...... |
 Hostname ........... host-104-157-249-79.dyn.295.ca
 ISP  ............... Fibernetics Corporation
 VPN  ............... N/A 

Pictures ............ https://ibb.co/VmsqXNF 
                      https://ibb.co/CVYgB4F Slightly older picture 2022 
                      https://ibb.co/PCVbHCj Before he gives himself a haircut with nothing but scissors
                      https://ibb.co/5cPS73C After 	
                      https://ibb.co/Xk2XG9g Demeanors posting another player's face
                      https://ibb.co/Qc8gP33 Dox threat 1
                      https://ibb.co/qpRnP6G Dox threat 2
		      https://ibb.co/n3Jv29M Dox threat 3
                      https://ibb.co/fq633my Demeanors hoping my friend A0E gets swatted tf?
		      https://ibb.co/Stg4RpY Demeanors talking about killing humans and violence against a black person in front of him
		      https://ibb.co/VV4PM48 Demeanors racism
                      https://ibb.co/FVxgZTz Retweet of pro trans movement
                      https://ibb.co/nr5gDBM Screenshot of his twitter before it got taken down	
                      https://ibb.co/Fw63sKk Talking about cutting				  

║░░░║         EMAILS        ║ + ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║ #16 ║

Email: babyboyz2b@gmail.com     [+] microsoft.com  
Name: Cristiano Catarino        [+] youtube.com
GoogleID: 112570759084315152603 [+] duolingo.com
Relevancy: Main                 [+] instagram.com, dropbox.com

Email: cris69666420@gmail.com   [+] xvideos.com,  
Name: Cris Cat                  [+] imgur.com,
GoogleID: 107642381629125956785 [+] instagram.com,
Relevancy: Main                 [+] spotify.com, microsoft.com

Email: minecraftcris7@gmail.com [+] youtube.com
Name: N/A                       
GoogleID: 109842367551119738071 
Relevancy: Alt                   

Email: aalt74765@gmail.com      [+] twitter.com, ubisoft.com
Name: N/A                        
GoogleID: 117442225197126562684 
Relevancy: Alt                   

Email: ddmeanors@gmail.com       
Name: N/A                      
Relevancy: Alt              

Possible password: Cristiano22

║░░░║       SOCIALS         ║ + ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║ #16 ║

Card ................ https://ahlecc.carrd.co/
YouTube Accounts .... https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKpVmWOI_Lj2xHFwFa52K_w
Twitter ............. https://x.com/Cristia1V0
Discord ............. demeanors
2nd Discord ......... the_dealor.
NameMC .............. https://namemc.com/profile/DEMEAN0R.1
MC UUID ............. 94d25bc7-4b96-45ca-a7c1-360863fbbc11

║░░░║       CREDITS         ║ + ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║ #16 ║ 

Thanks to those who helped out.

║░░░║        The End        ║ + ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║ #16 ║

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