OBAMAN STRIKES AGAIN Reason for dox: supports pedos and is a retard (GO SPAM AND CALL THIS KID HES A KNOWN RETARD AND WEIRDO) Dazed Real Name: Aidan Longette Adress: 162 W End Ave Island Heights NJ 08732, 633 Spray Ave Beachwood NJ 08722 Numbers: (732) 566-8421, (732) 591-0017, (732) 928-5166, 8482244389 Emails: aidandazed@gmail.com, (appledac@hotmail.com?) IP: SOCAILS: Discord: itsdazed Discord ID: 425071093540323329 Instagram: https://instagram.com/dazedwithin Instagram 2: https://instagram.com/aidandazed Twitter: https://x.com/DazedCoverage Twitter: https://x.com/dazedwithin Youtube: https://youtube.com/@itsdazed Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/DazedTTK/ Fortnite Name: vamp dazed Psn Name: YoutubeItsDazed Discord: https://discord.gg/hardrock (this may change soon) PHOTOS OF THE RETARD PEDO DEFENDER: https://imgur.com/a/DTpCI9U Dazed Mom Name: Michelle Longette (also goes by Michelle C Buruschkin Michelle C Czech Michelle K Czech Michelle Longette Michelle Buruschkin Michelle Czech Michelle Buvuschkin) PO BOX: Po Box 939 Island Heights NJ 08732 Numbers: (908) 596-8633,(732) 995-2542, (732) 270-4054, (732) 591-0017, (732) 566-8421, (732) 244-7833, (732) 244-4899, (908) 244-9373,(305) 931-4191, (732) 462-0089 Emails: sunchelle@optonline.net, sunchelle@lycos.com, sunchelle1@netscape.net, sunchelle@netscape.net sunchelle@aol.com, sunchelle1@aol.com, sunchelle@nj.rr.com, mlongette@bldrsvcs.com, bchgrlmcl@aol.com Background: Michelle C Longette is 52 years old and was born in October of 1971. Currently Michelle lives at the address Po Box 939, Island Heights NJ 08732. Michelle has lived at this Island Heights, NJ address for about 5 years, after moving in around May of 2019. Michelle previously lived at 162 W End Ave, Island Heights NJ 08732 for 4 years, starting in May of 2019. Going further back, starting in June of 2018, Michelle lived at 1509 NW Central Ave, Unit A, Seaside Park NJ 08752 for 2 years. It is likely that Michelle Longette is married to 55 year old Robert N Longette. The following people are relatives or close associates of Michelle: Aidan Longette(20), Alison Buruschkin(50), Bernard Czech(81), Camillo Longette(77), Christopher Czech(55), Christopher Czech(55), Christopher Viton(56), Connie Longette(100), David Czech(33) and Diane Erickson(63). Dazed Dad Name: Robert Longette Adress: 633 Spray Ave Beachwood NJ 08722 Numbers: (201) 988-0181, (732) 276-7631, (732) 462-0089, (732) 566-8421, (732) 341-1813, (732) 591-0017, (732) 928-5166 Emails: annalester32@gmail.com, isles.bl@sbcglobal.net, rlongette@yahoo.com, robertlongette@gmail.com isles.bl@verizon.net, bailey@brats.com, islesbl@optonline.net, longetterobert@earthandbody.com, gacy38@yahoo.com Background: Robert N Longette is 55 years old and was born in January of 1969. Currently Robert lives at the address 633 Spray Ave, Beachwood NJ 08722. Robert has lived at this Beachwood, NJ address for about 10 years, after moving in around January of 2014. Robert previously lived at 467 Clifton Ave, Bayville NJ 08721 for 5 years, starting in April of 2010. Going further back, starting in June of 2008, Robert lived at 6 Sandpiper Ct, Jackson NJ 08527 for 14 years. It is likely that Robert Longette is married to 52 year old Michelle C Longette. The following people are relatives or close associates of Robert: Aidan Longette(20), Amanda Russell(36), Camillo Longette(77), Connie Longette(100), Diane Erickson(63), Patricia Gilgannon(76), Robert Longette(76), Robert Longette(36), Alison Buruschkin(50) and Annette Pfleger(52). THIS USER IS 20 YEARS OLD AND OF AGE DO NOT TAKE DOWN