							           		   UKIE AND SOULZ
							           		         _______  ______       _______ _    _ 
							           		        / /  __ \|  ____|   /\|__   __| |  | |
							           		       / /| |  | | |__     /  \  | |  | |__| |
							           		      / / | |  | |  __|   / /\ \ | |  |  __  |
							           		     / /  | |__| | |____ / ____ \| |  | |  | |
							           		    /_/   |_____/|______/_/    \_\_|  |_|  |_|

							           		   ┋loving minors                                       ┋
							            		   ┋pedo?                                               ┋
							   		           ┋pussy nigga                                         ┋
							              		   ┋                                                    ┋
							                           ┋                                                    ┋
							            		   ┋                                                    ┋


                                                                                             ║   Section 1: Reason           ║
                								             ║   Section 2: Victim's Info    ║
                								             ║   Section 3: Social's         ║
                								             ║   Section 4: Relative's       ║
                								             ║   Section 5: Picture's        ║
                								             ║   Section 6: Link's           ║ 

                                                                                   ┃  Section 1: Reason                                 ┃

											┃   ? pedo?
											┃   ? loves minors
											┃   ? touching kids

                                                                                   ┃  Section 2: Victim's Info                          ┃

											┃Name:Damian Czekaj
											┃addres: 4485 Jenkins Crescent, Mississauga, ON L5R 1V1, Canada
											┃old adr: Sklep Warzywa, Czarnowska, 25-001 Kielce, Polen
											┃age:17                                                 (14)

                                                                                   ┃  Section 3: Social's                               ┃

											┃Facebook:Damain Czekaj (got one friend he' mom Marzanna)
											┃spotify:Damian Czekaj 
											┃Instagram:Damian Czekaj 

                                                                                   ┃  Section 4: Relative's                             ┃

											┃  ???? Name:Marzanna Czekaj 
											┃  ???? DOB/Age:around 30-40
											┃  ???? Gender:female
											┃  ???? Race:White
											┃  ???? Address:
											┃     ???? Current:4485 Jenkins Crescent, Mississauga, ON L5R 1V1, Canada
											┃     ???? Past:Sklep Warzywa, Czarnowska, 25-001 Kielce, Polen
											┃  ???? Phone Number:
											┃     ???? Current:none
											┃     ???? Past: none


                                                                                   ┃  Section 5: Picture's                              ┃

											┃HouseCurrent:4485 Jenkins Crescent, Mississauga, ON L5R 1V1, Canada
											┃HousePast:Sklep Warzywa, Czarnowska, 25-001 Kielce, Polen

                                                                                   ┃  Section 6: Link's                                 ┃
											┃  ?Facebook damian       :https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086359923163
											┃  ?Facebook marzanna(mom):https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100076156290703
											┃  ?Steam                 :https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199258621342
											┃  ?Youtube               :https://www.youtube.com/@Golden-Kings/featured
											┃  ?Youtube               :https://www.youtube.com/@Golden-Kings/featured
											┃  ?Spotify               :https://open.spotify.com/user/31no3jw5nfrpmlvxgrjz3fkjgh54
											┃  ?twitch                :https://www.twitch.tv/caribou092
doxed by soulz and ukie