**IP Address**:
**Internet Service Provider**: Cox Communications
**Country**: United States, Rhode Island, Providence
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**NAME**: Nuria Alonso García

**PROFESSION**: Professor of Global Studies at Providence College, Rhode Island

Email: nalonsog@providence.edu
Phone number: 491.865.2048

**EDUCATION**: Ph.D. - Universidad de Educacíon a Distancia

**AREAS OF EXPERTISE**: Spanish language, pedagogy of foreign language, teaching English as a foreign language, linguistics

**SELECTED PUBLICATIONS**: Longo, N. Alonso Garcia, N. (2017) Doing More with Less: Civic Practices for Longer-Term Impact in Global-Service Learning. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad.(XXIX), 35-50.

Longo, N. Alonso Garcia, N. (2016) . (6), Partnerships: A Journal of Service-Learning and Civic Engagement

Alonso Garcia, N. Caplan, A. , . (2014) "Reading the World’s Classics Critically: A Keyword-Based Approach to Literary Analysis in Foreign Language Studies". Critical Inquiry in Language Studies.(11), 100-120.

Alonso Garcia, N. Chelminski, P. González Hernández, E. (2013) The effects of language on attitudes toward advertisements and brands trust in Mexico. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising.(34), 77-92.

**SELECTED PRESENTATIONS**: Alonso Garcia, N. Global Conference on Storytelling. , Lisbon, Portugal - "Paper: Community Voices: Stories of Peace and Justice. How to Integrate Meaningful Local and International Partnerships" May, 2014

Alonso Garcia, N. Cross Cultural Research Conference. , Antigua, Guatemala - "Paper: Market Mavens: Wordly Wise or Locally Focused?" December, 2013

Alonso Garcia, N. Digital Humanities Conference. , Hamburg, Germany - "Developing Transcultural Competence in the Study of World Literatures: Golden Age Literature Glossary Online (GALGO)" July, 2013

Alonso Garcia, N. Public Libraries Network. , Asturias & Alicante, Spain - "Presentation: Series of Workshops on Bilingualism and Multiculturality & Book Reading" May, 2012

Alonso Garcia, N. Wordstock Festival. , Portland, OR - "Workshop: Fostering Multicultural Awareness in the Classroom: Celebrating the Value of Diversity and the Power of Language" October, 2011

Alonso Garcia, N. Haberle, C. Challenge Your Mind: Think Leadership! Conference. Providence College, - "Technology Matters: You, Your Online Image, Your Career. Presenting Yourself Through the Use of Technology" April, 2006

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