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[Doxxed By]
→  Prophet 
→  Taima, uKade
[Reason for dox]
→  Cheating Bitch And Fucking Homie Hopper
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→  Elizabeth Davis
[Phone Number] 
→  (770) 713-5645
[Date Of Birth]
→  7-13-2006
[Location & Info]
→  Address: 521 Herrell rd villa rica ga
→  Area Code: 470/678/770
→  Zip: 34274
→  City: Villa Rica
→  State: Georgia
→  Country:  United States
→  Continent: North America
→  Discord: UserTag: CyberPbj.Exz#9132 UserID: 929196695877713920
→  Snapchat: lizthelizard
→  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cyber_pbj/
→  VRChat #1: https://vrchat.com/home/user/usr_613662de-6fc9-4cc3-9134-87fb7a7e472f
→  VRChat #2: https://vrchat.com/home/user/usr_38daa89a-c532-4d92-9f9e-4667b61e4c00
→  TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cyberpbj
→  Facebook: Elizabeth Davis - Not Confirmed 
→  Picture #1: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/995183503111110748/1000102400645927003/852CD14C-67F9-43F5-B9B3-29DC21863258.jpg?width=377&height=702
→  Picture #2: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1074418980539879577/1074871274498699344/image.png
→  Picture #3: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1074418980539879577/1074871557991702558/58c26374e3c242d4ba51ed1a67cb6d24_tplv-r00ih4996s-1_480_480.jpeg
→  Alias: cyberpbj․exz
→  Friends: Toastky, 12am, Justin, kryo, ky
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Updated: July/26/23