Reason: Guilt Tripping, Lying, Deceiving, and Controlling bitch

- Personal Information -
Name: Anri Charisse Helsdon
Age: 15, DOB: 09/27/08
Height: 5'1 
Weight: 140lbs
Straight Brunette, Brown Eyes, Overweight, Fucked Up Front Teeth, Overalls Clothing Style
Current Residence: 218 South Swan Street, Batavia, NY, 14020 |
County: Genesee County, NY
Email: (School email) (personal) (personal)
Phone Number: (585) 813-3067 (PERSONAL)
Education Level: 10th Grade Education
Extracurriculars: Lacrosse, Band, Pep-Band, Marching Band, Art
Hobbies: Eating, Laying Down, Sitting on the Phone
Occupation: Tops Grocery Cashier/Bagger
Discord Handle: panda_pan_9123 | 
Boyfriend's Discord Handle: gidwithuke.123
Boyfriend's Education Level: Homeschooled

- Relative Information -
Parents Names: Carissa Helsdon (Mother)
Parent's Phone Number: (588) 938-6260 [Mother] (585) 813-5156 [Mother's old number]
Occupations: Disabled People Public Transport (Mother)