.d88888b 88888888b a88888b. d888888P .88888. 888888ba d88 d8888b. 88. "' 88 d8' `88 88 d8' `8b 88 `8b 88 `88 `Y88888b. a88aaaa 88 88 88 88 a88aaaa8P' 88 aaad8' `8b 88 88 88 88 88 88 `8b. 88888888 88 `88 d8' .8P 88 Y8. .88 88 Y8. .8P 88 88 88 .88 Y88888P 88888888P Y88888P' dP `8888P' dP dP d88P d88888P ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ Egotistical pedophile that loves to prey on little boys and girls and simultaneously bribe them with his earnings not to snitch or tell people they have been assaulted or groomed Also owns/is related to a goofy roblox service named UGC Drops and his own server X6 Studios, where he scams unsuspecting children. Brags about criminal cases back in 2021-2022 and upcoming arrest warranties. Larps being rich. This retard literally shows movie/action-purpose dollar bills. This post was posted on Doxbin because he favors an opensourced myspace forum site with BCrypt encryption, where he larps having 'superior opsec' and supposed ties to skiddies of the site, figure it'd be funny seeing his own information here. X6: ----- Full Name: Jacob Henry-Genero Munoz (or possibly Kevin Ramon) Age: 21 (12/05/2002) - And this dude interacts sexually with teens under the age of 18, how sad... Street: 150 N Union RD M 52 City: Manteca State: California Zip: 95336 Country: United States Phone Number: # +1 (408) 266-4280 DL ID: Y7118251 Socials: Aliases: x6, x6s, x6_mb, x6mbbb, o.x6 Roblox: x6mb Snapchat: x6mbbbb Discord: x (o.x6) ID: 1186928769504661524 Discord Server: https://discord.gg/x6s He has public face pictures and recording evidence of grooming children, but I will not waste my time trying to find such information to post it. Relatives/Associates: ----- Hailey Zampko Robert Munoz - BROTHER Tanya Munoz - MOTHER Christopher Portillo Elizabeth Zampko Gary Munoz - FATHER Genaro Munoz Henry Zampko Henry Zampko Shawn Zampko Elizabeth Zampko Joseph Zampko Mathew Zampko Shirley Zampko Veronica Zampko William Diaz Willie King ----- This post will be updated eventually and/or possibly.