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Title:Cel mai periculos interlop din targu jiu
Created:Aug 4th, 2024
Created by: Anonymous
Views: 306
Comments: 4
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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Razvan Cojocaru -- Cel mai periculos interlop din Targu Jiu !https://doxbin.com/upload# chestii publice in caz ca nu stiati de ele AI LA DISPOZITIE EXACT 10 ORE SA DAI MESAJ CUI I-AI GRESIT SA ITI CERI SCUZE , SA SPUI TUTUROR PERSOANELOR ADEVARUL COMPLET SAU ITI PROMIT CA TOT CE AM SCRIS AICI SE INDEPLINESTE ! ANUL NASTERII: 18 Februarie 2001 Full Name: Razvan Cojocaru https://check-host.net/ip-info?host= https://gyazo.com/435ae3aba61de18acf1e4fe8c4eef519 https://gyazo.com/e2087607f011ac2c6f706f20d2cdc41b Maine dam edit cu adresa + numerele de telefon ale ambiilor parinti. Trist sincer la 23 ani sa stai pe discord sa faci din astea, si cum sa ai cont pe chaturbate labagiu jegos ce esti. Hey, iti promit ca maine poimaine max iti aflu adresa, si tu o sa ai parte de multe surprize, trimit si niste baieti generosi din targu jiu sa intre peste ma-ta-n casa. :) Mi-a povestit fratele meu ce s-a intamplat si ne-ai cam suparat. Cat de nefutut si trist sa fii , sa iei poze de pe twitter cu fete si sa le trimiti pretinzand ca e fondatoarea? :))))))))))))))) Pentru ca ti-a fost aplicata o sanctiune luata pe merit. Mi s-a spus sa iti spun sa le povestesti la baieti toata povestea, nu doar partea ta. Maine o sa o apelam pe doamna Victorina sa ii povestim ce face fiu-sau la 23 de ani pe internet, dupa il anuntam si pe domnul Nelu Oare se termina in 87 numarul de telefon oare nu ? Ma-sa: https://www.facebook.com/victorinacojocaru.victorinacojocaru Tacsu: https://www.facebook.com/nelut.cojocaru.7 Unchiu: https://www.facebook.com/dani.cojocaru.9484 (forta unchiu) Cu siguranta, vom anunta si Complexul Energetic Oltenia ca fiul lui Nelu Cojocaru este un pedofil care falsifica filmari cu fete pe internet. Apropo,promit ca ii trimit si un buchet de flori lui Doamna Victorina zilele astea. .Luati de aici cateva parole de ale lui + email, poate merg pe glovo ceva, n-am stat sa verific pe unde are conturi. erv8190 audia4RS6!! audia4RS6 oanasistefanoanasistefan 🚗 Parkmobile In March 2021, a leak occurred in the ParkMobile parking service, which exposed the data of 21 million customers. They included emails, names, phone numbers, car numbers and passwords in the form of bcrypt hashes. Email: staff.razvan@yahoo.ro Password: audia4RS 📁 cBANK In 2022, a private combo player containing 400 million emails and passwords was sold online. There were 260 million unique lines. The Kombolist was sold for $650, but now it is available to everyone. To increase the uniqueness of the data, sellers changed the case of some passwords and diluted the data with generated strings. Despite the title, this collection is not related to the March 2022 central bank leak. Email: staff.razvan@yahoo.ro Password: audia4rs6 🪬 MIX Database In May 2022, a collection containing 464 million emails and plain text passwords obtained from various leaks appeared on a hacker forum. Email: staff.razvan@yahoo.ro Password: audia4RS6 🕵️ BreachedForum Combolists Breached.vc is the most famous site for publishing various leaks. This database contains all files from the “Combolists” section, downloaded on 02/22/2023. This section had 2200 databases containing 170GB of data (5 billion rows). After deduplication and removal of rows from the collections, only 770 million remained. The data contains only emails and passwords. Email: staff.razvan@yahoo.ro Password: audia4rs6!! ☁️ Cloudata Large collection of email-pass data. The database was collected from many files on May 18, 2023. Initially, all databases weighed 338 GB (11 billion rows). After removing duplicates and data from the collections, about 2 billion remained. Email: staff.razvan@yahoo.ro Password: audia4RS6!! 💾 naz.api This database was created by extracting data from stealer logs. It contains data about saved logins and passwords in users' browsers. It contains 270 million unique records. Email: staff.razvan@yahoo.ro vUrl: https://chaturbate.com/ Email: staff.razvan@yahoo.ro Password: audia4RS6!! Url: https://neopanel.ro/auth/login Email: staff.razvan@yahoo.ro Password: oanasistefanoanasistefan Url: https://neopanel.ro/auth/login
5 months ago
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