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|                      Table of contents                        | 
|      0x01  Introduction.............................          |
|      0x02  Personal Information.....................          |
|      0x03  Family Members Information.....................    | 
|      0x04  House Information....................              |
|                      0x01  Introduction                       |
cheating little ethot and leaking private information of a minor
|                  0x02  Personal Information                   |
Name.................... Camila Strandboe
Occupation.............. Sits On Discord And Edates Any Eboy
Race.................... Light Skinned
Ethnicity............... Hispanic / Dominican / Columbian
Gender.................. Female
Sexuality............... Straight
Relationship Status..... Single
D.O.B................... Nov, 22nd, 2008
Age..................... 16
Mobile Phone Number..... (407) 881-3670
Direct Address.......... 2065 Highland Ave Clearwater, FL 33755
Direct Address.......... 305 Dayton Ave West Chicago, IL 60185

either 1 of those addresses are hers ill swat
Country................. United States
State................... Florida
City.................... Dunedin
Town.................... Dunedin
ZIP..................... 33755
|               0x03  Family Members Information                |
NAME.................... Pandora Raven Poglajen Strandboe
AGE/D.O.B............... 23 - Oct, 17th, 2000 
ADDRESS................. 2065 Highland Ave Clearwater, FL 33755
HOME PHONE NUMBER....... Unknown

NAME.................... Vanessa Heather Strandboe
AGE/D.O.B............... 48 - Jul, 19th, 1975
ADDRESS................. 305 Dayton Ave West Chicago, IL 60185
HOME PHONE NUMBER....... (727) 678-2019

NAME.................... Adrienne Wynne Strandboe
AGE/D.O.B............... 26 - Jul, 7th, 1997
ADDRESS................. 305 Dayton Ave West Chicago, IL 60185
HOME PHONE NUMBER....... (630) 705-0975

NAME.................... Dakota Michael Poglajen Strandboe
AGE/D.O.B............... 26 - Jul, 13th, 1997
ADDRESS................. 305 Dayton Ave West Chicago, IL 60185
HOME PHONE NUMBER....... (727) 239-0854

|                    0x04  House Information                    |
Direct Address.......... 305 Dayton Ave West Chicago, IL 60185
Country................. United States
State................... Illinois
City.................... Chicago
Town.................... Chicago
ZIP..................... 60185
Floors.................. 1.5
Rooms................... 7
Area (1,350 sqft)
Bedroom................. 4
Kitchen................. 1 
Bathroom................ 2 
Garage.................. 1 
Condition............... Great
Rent (pcm).............. Estimated Rent Value - $2,670
Buy..................... Estimated Bought Value - $294,400
Tax..................... 2022  $6,211 (+4.0%)  $16,200  $55,420	 $71,620
Mortgage................ $1,648/Mo - Get Preapproved