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Title:Caleb Mitchell the Rapist - By synrawr xoxo
Created:Jul 12th, 2024
Created by: synrawrV2
Views: 385
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Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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This cute dox & format was brought to you by: .--.--. / / '. | : /`. / ,---, __ ,-. .---. __ ,-. ; | |--` ,-+-. / |,' ,'/ /| /. ./|,' ,'/ /| | : ;_ .--, ,--.'|' |' | |' | ,--.--. .-'-. ' |' | |' | \ \ `. /_ ./| | | ,"' || | ,'/ \ /___/ \: || | ,' `----. \, ' , ' : | | / | |' : / .--. .-. | .-'.. ' ' .' : / __ \ \ /___/ \: | | | | | || | ' \__\/: . ./___/ \: '| | ' / /`--' /. \ ' | | | | |/ ; : | ," .--.; |. \ ' .\ ; : | '--'. / \ ; : | | |--' | , ; / / ,. | \ \ ' \ || , ; `--'---' \ \ ; | |/ ---' ; : .' \ \ \ |--" ---' : \ \'---' | , .-./ \ \ | \ ' ; `--`---' '---" `--` in affiliation with $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$\ $$$ __$$\ $$$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ __$$\ $$$$\ $$ |$$\ $$\ \_$$ | $$ | $$ |\__/ $$ | $$\$$\$$ |\$$\ $$ | $$ |$$$$$$\\$$\ $$ | $$$$$$ | $$ \$$$$ | \$$$$ / $$ |\______|\$$\$$ / $$ ____/ $$ |\$$$ | $$ $$< $$ | \$$$ / $$ | \$$$$$$ /$$ /\$$\ $$$$$$\ \$ / $$$$$$$$\ \______/ \__/ \__|\______| \_/ \________| <3 --------------------------------------------------- <3 0x0 INTRODUCTION <3 (Synrawr) <3 --------------------------------------------------- <3 <3!!NOTICE!!<3 All information on this dox was collected lawfully, all information retrieved follows the Data Protection Act 2018 (Scottish legislation) of which all affiliates are required to follow! Synrawr takes full responsibility if action(s) are to be taken against any affiliates legally, we do not encourage the harassment of this person although it is of your free will to do as you wish with the information you gather on here! (WINK WINK) I LOST MY ORIGINAL DOXBIN ACCOUNT BECAUSE IM A RETARD AND FORGOT MY PASSWORD LOLL, CAN FIND MY OTHER WORK @synrawr THIS DOX WAS MADE OUT OF PERSONAL HATE, THIS PERSON BOASTED ABOUT RAPING A PERSON, FUCK THIS DOWNY CUNT AND MAKE SURE HE GETS WHAT HE DESERVES!! (wink wink) This retard fuck got scared when we pulled his address and number, police put him in cuffs then later released him like the useless fucks they are. He's a pathetic excuse for a person and personally I hope he fucking kills himself, make sure this retarded downy gets what's coming to him <3 EDIT_1; A person contacted me through Instagram asking how I knew Caleb, they then later stated that she was also sexually assaulted by this retard, at this edit it will be posted as the stories are consistent and I have reasonable suspicion that they are IN-FACT a rapist. <3 --------------------------------------------------- <3 0x1 PERSONAL INFORMATION <3 --------------------------------------------------- <3 FULL NAME - Caleb "James" Mitchell DATE OF BIRTH - 22/06/2008 EDUCATION (or) WORKPLACE - Greggs (Cumbernauld Retail Park Store) STATE/CITY/TOWN - Scotland, Glasgow, Cumbernauld ADDRESS - 19C Glenhove Rd POSTCODE/ZIP CODE - G67 2LG <3 --------------------------------------------------- <3 0x2 SOCIAL MEDIA & ONLINE PROFILES !! <3 --------------------------------------------------- <3 PHONE NUMBER - +44 7391615521 SNAPCHAT - caleb241223 INSTAGRAM - caleb_gg35 FACEBOOK - N/A DISCORD - calebb_mich OTHER(2) - N/A OTHER(3) - N/A <3 --------------------------------------------------- <3 0x3 Photos !! <3 --------------------------------------------------- <3 <3!!NOTICE!!<3 We can only get photos through links, we apologise for any inncon caused, if they expire let us know !! If no photos are provided we apologise !! PHOTO 1 - (Boasting about rape) https://ibb.co/MBCpYpb PHOTO 2 - (Boasting about rape again) https://ibb.co/30vNxhh PHOTO 3 - N/A PHOTO 4 - N/A PHOTO 5 - N/A PHOTO 6 - N/A <3 --------------------------------------------------- <3 0x4 Outroduction <3 --------------------------------------------------- <3 Thank you all for reading, synrawr loves you all, we hope to post soon as this is the very first in a long time iv'e posted, it's been an odd year as I'm sort of growing up but I will never stop ruining the lives of those that don't deserve anything in this world, down with the abusers, pedophiles and scum of this earth!!! If you happen to accidentally add them out of curisority, make sure to send #SynrawrGotU! when texting them, just dont let them know what it means <3 SYNRAWR LOVES YOU <333 :3 for those wondering, who's behind this dox? who's synrawr? it's not that hard to find out although here's all you need to know ! I'm from scotland, I'm a femboy just not the gay or cringey kind, I will forever hate groomers, pedophiles or anything inbetween, as always I <3 you all! $$$$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$\ $$ _|$$ _____|$$$\ $$ |$$ __$$\ \_$$ | $$ | $$ | $$$$\ $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$$$$\ $$ $$\$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ __| $$ \$$$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | or is it... $$ | $$ | $$ |\$$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$$$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$ | \$$ |$$$$$$$ |$$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$ | \____|\________|\__| \__|\_______/ \__|\__|\__|\____|