|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vxmp runs yo shit --------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
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|------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vxmp runs yo shit ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

$ ---------------------------------------------------------------- Reason for Dox ---------------------------------------------------------------- $
$ - Engages in baseless accusations against individuals he dislikes, potentially involving unauthorized access to computer systems and utilization of malicious software. 
Maintains questionable files pertaining to others on his computing devices. - $
$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $

--------------------------------- Personal Information -----------------------------------

$ ----------------------------- $
$ ---- Name -> Derek Flynn ---- $
$ - Age -> 16 turning 17 soon - $
$ -- Weight -> over 200 lbs --- $
$ ----------------------------- $

$ ------ Discord Aliases ------ $
$ ------ 1 -> complex091 ------ $
$       1186401602551169125     $
$ ------ 2 -> googlesex ------- $
$       1100890359124463616     $
$ ------ 3 -> theelrit -------- $
$       627761991515373569      $
$ Left out a bunch of junk accs $
$ ----------------------------- $

$ ------- Crappy Tools -------- $
$ -- https://t.me/glasstoolz -- $
$ ----------------------------- $

$ ---------------------------------------------------------- $
$ --------- VRC Account Generator prolly skidded ----------- $
$ ------------- https://discord.gg/RUKQnSSau9 -------------- $
$                           N/A                              $
$ ---------------------------------------------------------- $

$ --------------------------------------------------------- $
$ ---- Address -> 2777 Lydia Dr Sw, Lordstown OH 44481 ---- $
$ --------------------------------------------------------- $

$ -------------------------------- $
$ --- Criminal Records -> 1 ------ $
$ -------------------------------- $

$ -------------------------------- $
$ -------- Records Below --------- $
$ -------------------------------- $

$ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $
$ - Cyber Criminal Activity | Date assessed 03/12/2023 | Assessment Assigned by -> Warren, OH FBI Center | Type -> Watch List - $
$ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $

$ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $
$ - House Image -> https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/streetview?location=2777+Lydia+Dr%2C+Warren%2C+OH+44481&size=768x576&key=AIzaSyARFMLB1na-BBWf7_R3-5YOQQaHqEJf6RQ&source=outdoor&&signature=kqw99uCTallGubhujeKRWB7cxWw= - $
$ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $

--------------------------------- Parents Information -----------------------------------

$ -------------------------------- $
$ -- Dads Name -> Shawn K Crown -- $
$ ------ Weight -> 190 lbs ------- $
$ ---------- Age -> 48 ----------- $
$ -------- Gender -> Male -------- $
$ -------- Hair -> Brown --------- $
$ -------- Eyes -> Blue ---------- $
$   Email -> daycrown75@gmail.com  $
$ -- IP -> (Old) -- $
$ ----- Living Status -> Jail ---- $
$ -------------------------------- $

$ -------------------------------- $
$ --- Criminal Records -> 5 ------ $
$ -------------------------------- $

$ -------------------------------- $
$ -------- Records Below --------- $
$ -------------------------------- $

$ Records -> Speed 12/3/2013 - Ohio Trumbull warren crime type Misdemeanor, found guilty, | 12/3/2013 - Ohio Trumbull | warren, OH Rules For Bicycles/motorcycles 5/25/2012 - Ohio Trumbull|warren, crime type "Misdemeanor", found guilty

$ Discharges -> Bankruptcy Chapter 7 - Discharge 7/25/2015   Attorney Name Dominic R Leone Iii | Attorney Phone 3307506160 | Trustee Phone 3303928551 | Judge Name Kay Woods | Court Id OHN Court Division 4 Court District Oh - Youngstown - Northern Court Phone 3307467027 Debtors
Shawn K Crown

$ -------- Records Proof --------- $
$ - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1174181752739205187/1215513159826280478/image.png - $
$ -------------------------------- $

$ -------------------------------- $
$ -- Moms Name -> Kelly A Crown -- $
$ ------ Weight -> 190 lbs ------- $
$ ---------- Age -> 47 ----------- $
$ ------ Gender -> Female -------- $
$ -------- Hair -> Brown --------- $
$ -------- Eyes -> Blue ---------- $
$ ------- Email -> N/A ----------- $
$ -------------------------------- $
$ --- License Type -> Adjuster --- $
$ -- License Number -> 1701727 --- $
$ -------------------------------- $

$ ------------------------------------------ $
$ -- License Type Real Estate Salesperson -- $
$ ----- License Number -> SAL2021006499 ---- $
$ ------------------------------------------ $

$ -------------------------------- $
$ -- IP -> (Old) -- $
$   Living Status -> Lordstown OH  $
$ -------------------------------- $

$ -------------------------------- $
$ --- Criminal Records -> 13 ----- $
$ -------------------------------- $

$ -------------------------------- $
$ -------- Records Below --------- $
$ -------------------------------- $

$ Records -> Record -> SPEEDING | Offense Date -> August 19, 2008 | Guilty -> True || Record -> Criminal | Traf Control 3/30/2009 - Ohio Trumbull, Oh | Guilty -> True || Record -> Traffic 69/65 Speed | Guilty -> True | Traffic -> 61/45 Speed 7/7/1998 - Ohio || $
$ Discharges -> N/A $

$ -------- Records Proof --------- $
$ - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1169549983058493502/1215532365900812298/image.png - $
$ -------------------------------- $

|------------------------------------------------------- Stop fucking with people nigga, you're nothing without your malware -------------------------------------------------------|