Hello fellow Doxers. This is a dox I made because of some dumb ass who doxed me thinking he was slick and had no personal information of me,
However, I have some personal information about him. Its not much but it will do.
Name: CJ, Leo, Whatever the fuck Idek anymore- Motherfucker changed his name so many times he's like Joe Biden 
Trying to find his way off a stage.

Age: 16 birthday in about 6 months.

Mother: Jessica R. Jackson June 22nd, 2002-December 31st, 2023. -- Died this year to an overdose or something.

Father: Unknown, but is diseased.
Living with his grandparents as of the moment. Kids an orphan LMAO.

Relocations and Location as of now.

California, La (Specifically).

Toronto Canada.
Roblox User: Litanthrium

Discord: hamsterindaoven (CRINGEY ASS NAME LOL)
