Name: Boiko Metodiev Borisov Website: ID: 5906131927 Date of born: 13 June 1959 Profession: Bulgarian politician who served as the prime minister of Bulgaria from 2009 to 2013, 2014 to 2017, and 2017 to 2021 Bulgaria's second-longest serving prime minister to date. Signature: Childrens: 1 Periodically ensuing corruption scandals and controversies has led to reports of high levels of corruption in Borisov's government. According to the Corruption Perceptions Index, compiled by Transparency International, Borisov's government was as corrupt as previous governments, with two of his closest ministers – Tzvetan Tzvetanov and Miroslav Naydenov—investigated by the Prosecutor General and the Tax Authority for taking bribes while in office. Borisov has nonetheless campaigned on an anti-corruption message. E-mail: IBAN: 1686546798245789087 IP: Height: 183 cm. Weight: 112.4 kg. Facebook e-mail: Password: jk76bb7ppGERBeu