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                      ║       .          .   .             .          .             .                 .   .       .       .    .          .         .          .      . ║
                      ║    .    .      .       .          .               .          .    Goodbye Avram      .     .        .                    .            .   ║
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* Pedophile BBC loving Fag *

Reason for dox:
Blacked tranny pedophile, sells weed to minors, tried grooming a 15 year old into BNWO, lies about being a white nationalist, 
harasses actual white nationalists, is a comfirmed tranny, wabts to look like "rarelyhuman" well known on discord, hates white people etc
constantly flirts with minors. 

▄▀█ █▄▄ █▀█ █░█ ▀█▀
█▀█ █▄█ █▄█ █▄█ ░█░

Name/Surname : Avram Wilson 
Brth: Oct 2001
Ethnicity: Jewish
Carrier location: Hayward, CA 95501
Known Addresses and Post box: 
1271 Evergreen Rd Pmb 126, Redway, CA 95560-9729
455 Union St, Arcata, CA 95521-64961886
PO Box, Redway, CA 95560-18862245
Wilson St, Arcata, CA 95521-5372
His current location: a fucking car 

█▀ █▀█ █▀▀
▄█ █▄█ █▄▄

Numbers: (707) 599-0137
Gmail: Aviconnor88@gmail.com
Discords: Insanewhitegenius_9982, arkuliantrollagearkeal_20287
current: discord account: satrap_of_memphis
snapchat: connotw88

Associates: David Connie, Treanna Briwn, Cindy Hodge, Andrew Green, Terry Brady, Maria Hernandez, Allison Walden, Cindy Castillo



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