|            WHAT WE'VE COLLECTED         | short dox |             |                      INFO                              | CREDITS ON DOX |
| Name: Kyle Cox                                                    |                                                        |          PASSIVED helped me with the legal name     |
| Address                                                           | 1916-1906 W 8th St, Wyoming, PA 18644|                 |           & phone number and I did the rest         | 
| Shamokin, PA 17872                                                | Possible address                                       |                   this dox was short                |
| Property Information                                              |                                                        |                  planning to hit harder             |
| Phone                                                             | 570-332-1846                                           |                     tomorrow                        |                                                          |                                                       |                           on some whores             |                                                                                              |         CONTACT US ON DISC                          |
| City, Place or Town                                               | Wyoming, Pennsylvania                                  |                           <3                        |
| Unified School District 22710 Los Angeles Unified School District |                                                        |        @6orpses         @passived                   |
This person we had doxed, has severe autism. I did not do much because this is the only information that's actually necessary, I will be dropping a big one Tomorow possibly.