Name: Arda
Gender: Boy
Age: 16
Languages he speaks: Turkish (rare), english and
Roblox user: S1R_L0CK3D
Snap: l0ck3d_gamers
Tiktok user: darkrius_thenoobie
Country in he lives: Munish
Idaf about anymore even words can't describe how
much I hate him and if he sees this rn then he
can go cry about it it's not even that bad I'm
just telling ya'll can have him n text him (he won't
prob reply you because he always makes excuses)
he rather watches porn than spending time with anyone
because he is a stupid fucking bitch. That guy does
defintley text other girls. I just made this post
because I gave up. He is extremly distgusting I
just wanted to say too, like wtf. Seriously I'm
glad I gave up on him. I rather be single again
then getting hurt over and over by him. He told
me that he loved but betrayed me at the end so I
guess he would do the same to you too, girls.
I got seriously hurt by him I hope anyone could
make him suffer too like I suffered. I can't do
this anymore, really. Text him at your own risk.
At the start he will act all nice but then he's 
gonna leave you months alone in the dark. He's 
a horrible person please don't trust him. He is
selfish too and dry but really dry (For sensitive
people it maybe already hurts idk). I hope he reads
this one day and realises how much he broke my 
heart. Goodbye everyone thanks for everyone who
reads this long text. I love y'all 🫶 Bye bye.