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<,︻╦╤─ ҉ - -REASON FOR DOX :   Antawon Hicks who also goes by his rap name "tsgpoppy130" is a big time drug trafficker.       
_/﹋\_                          You may be thinking.... Drug trafficking? That's not that big of a deal... But you're sorely mistaken. 
                                Antawon Hicks is known to sell FENTANYL laced pills around Grand Haven, MI. One of my friends actually 
                                experienced an overdose due to the substances he purchased from Antawon. If you are in Grand Haven or 
                                Allendale AVOID this guy.

<,︻╦╤─ ҉ - -Name:             Antawon Hicks
_/﹋\_       Age:              25 (Jan 22, 1998)      
             Address:          13296 Winding Creek Dr, Grand Haven, MI 49417
             Phone:            (773)-621-2785
             Email:            btbproductions1@gmail.com

<,︻╦╤─ ҉ - -Work Place:       Sunoco (Gas Station) @ 9585 Lake Michigan Dr, Allendale, MI 49401
_/﹋\_       Work Number:      (616)-895-4357
             IRL Pictures:     https://prnt.sc/Oj8LLCIUcePY
             Instagram:        https://www.instagram.com/tsgpoppy130/
             Facebook:         https://www.facebook.com/tsg.poppy/

<,︻╦╤─ ҉ - - Girlfriend Name: Nakeysha King
_/﹋\_        Highschool:      Holland High School
              Facebook:        https://www.facebook.com/nakeysha.king.3
              IRL Pictures:    https://prnt.sc/f5Vf1MhyohQn