Hi, I'm #######, I came here to doxx a Brazilian who goes by the nickname "Joao Epico". ________ *REASONS: 1 - He was my "friend", but he betrayed me. 2 - He is a crazy psychopath who thinks he is superior to everyone, and has already said that he hates all human beings 3 - He's an idiot guy, who insults his own friends on the internet and blocks them on social media (literally) 4 - He's a guy who only does shit on the internet (mainly on discord) ________ I wasn't the only one who was betrayed by him, he had another friend who also insulted and then dismissed... a complete idiot. ________ DOXXING: • CPF (individual registration): 02178077200 • Registration Status: REGULAR • NAME: JOAO PEDRO SIMPLICIO DE SOUZA • CNS: 704000317867463 • BIRT: 25/04/2005 • M - MALE • ADDRESS: CEP: 69042560 - STATE: AM - MUNICÍPIO: 130260 - NEIGHBORHOOD: CJ DOM PEDRO - PUBLIC PLACE: RUA TOMAZ ANTONIO GONZAGA - NUNBER: 489 CEP: 69042560 - STATE: AM - MUNICÍPIO: MANAUS - NEIGHBORHOOD: CJ DOM PEDRO - PUBLIC PLACE: TOMAZ ANTONIO GONZAGA - NUMBER: 489 * ON MAPS: https://maps.app.goo.gl/LoiSoyv2XZYZ8aEy5 * DISCORD: joaozedong // nick: Joao Epico * TELEPHONE NUMBER (whatsapp): +55 92 9435-7183 * MOM E-MAILS: ericasimpliciosouza@yahoo.com.br // ericasimpliciosouza@yahoo.com * MOM NAME: ERICA SIMPLICIO DE SOUZA __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ its it. #doxed