André Christian Markus WINKLER
DOB: 24/03/1985
Location: Küniglberggasse 56 1130 Wien, has property in UK and Spain
Ethnicity: German (Austrian)
Sexuality: straight. Fucked some men while in prison.
Political affiliations: neo-nazi. Affiliated with several Austrian football hooligan clubs.
Phone: +43 660 479 81 87
Discord tag and ID: real_kraut2.0, 1149425099410243605
Has multiple fake social media accounts. Mainly talks using his phone and on Discord.
Reason for doxxing: retard troll on Discord who hangs around gays and blacks, despite being nazi. Known to backstab people and harass them.
Sexually harasses men to troll them and lies about not being gay. Likes to get people into troubles and betrays them.