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Title:Amouranth Slight Update Using Data Broker Sites
Created:Dec 21st, 2023
Created by: Anonymous
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Just a lil addition to https://doxbin.org/upload/amouranthnewdox using data broker sites. Kaitlyn Siragusa 2316 Bauer Dr, Houston, TX 77080 Verified on December 12, 2023 Property Details Estimate Value$1,684,000 Last Sale Amount$1,808,800 Equity$333,036 Down Payment$457,836 Household Income$241,000 - $289,000 Est. $ per Sq/Ft$256 Bedrooms6 Bathrooms6 Sq. Feet6,588 Lot Sq. Feet25,244 - 0.58 acres Last Sale DateJanuary 13,2023 Year Built1992 Stories1 Fireplaces1 Parking Spaces11 car garage Parcel ID068-144-005-0027 OwnershipTrust Property TypeNon-Owner Occupied School DistrictSpring Branch Independent School District SubdivisionSpring Branch Estates Sec 2 Background Summary for Kaitlyn Siragusa in Houston, TX According to our latest records, Kaitlyn Siragusa is years old and born in Jan 1970. Kaitlyn's possible relatives include Anthony Siragusa, Joseph Siragusa, Shari Siragusa, Angella Emmett. Kaitlyn's most recently reported address starting in Nov 2023 is 2316 Bauer Dr . Prior to that Kaitlyn lived at for less than 1 years. Other cities and locations that Kaitlyn could have lived includes Houston,TX. We currently show as many as 1 address, 0 phones, 0 email addresses for Kaitlyn Siragusa. 46 Relatives Found For Kaitlyn Siragusa in Houston, TX Anthony Siragusa 98 years old Joseph Siragusa 34 years old Shari Siragusa 61 years old Angella Emmett 58 years old Anthony Siragusa 132 years old Anthony Siragusa 78 years old Anthony Siragusa 74 years old Anthony Siragusa 42 years old Anthony Siragusa 53 years old Anthony Siragusa 53 years old Bennie Siragusa 105 years old Brenda Siragusa 57 years old Brenda Siragusa 53 years old Brian Frame 56 years old Danielle Labianco 45 years old Diane Siragusa 91 years old Edward Keelan 75 years old Elizabeth Noble 41 years old James Siragusa 45 years old Janie Siragusa 96 years old Frequently Asked Questions - Kaitlyn Siragusa in Houston, TX Where does Kaitlyn Siragusa live? Kaitlyn Siragusa currently lives at 2316 Bauer Dr, Houston, TX and has lived there for about year(s). What is Kaitlyn Siragusa phone number? The current phone number for Kaitlyn Siragusa is a at . Does Kaitlyn Siragusa have any social networking profiles such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter? It is entirely possible, but a Full Background Report from PeopleFinders would be required to find out. What is the current email address for Kaitlyn Siragusa? Kaitlyn Siragusa uses the email address most recently. What other names and aliases has Kaitlyn Siragusa used? Kaitlyn Siragusa was likely associated with the following alternate names or aliases: . How old is Kaitlyn Siragusa and what year were they born? Kaitlyn Siragusa is years old and was born in 2023. Who is related to Kaitlyn Siragusa? Kaitlyn Siragusa is believed to be related to the following people: Anthony J Siragusa, Joseph M Siragusa, Shari Lynn Siragusa, Angella M Emmett, Anthony B Siragusa, Anthony F Siragusa, Anthony R Siragusa, Anthony Benedict Siragusa, Bennie N Siragusa, Brenda A Siragusa. How do I find out if Kaitlyn Siragusa has a criminal record, bankruptcies, liens, judgements or other court actions taken against them? The best way to find out criminal, court or other financial information is with a complete background check through a website such as PeopleFinders.com Who are friends or associates of Kaitlyn Siragusa? Kaitlyn Siragusa is believed to be friends or associates with: Where did has Kaitlyn Siragusa lived previously? Kaitlyn Siragusa has lived in the following cities: Houston, TX