Aaron Burchett Dox (15yo) (Tranny)
His discord is @deathlycoffee.
His phone number is (812) 786-7748

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Family and Friends:
Moms #: 812-725-5602
Dads #: 812-725-6869 
Moms E-mail: conniemburchett@gmail.com
Dads E-mail: burchett.matt@gmail.com 

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Addresses: Vacation home: 1235 Impala St
North Port, FL.
Permanent address: Charlestown, Indiana at 195 Level St.
(Apartment basement dweller XD)

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Other Info: His school's address (Charlestown Middle School): 8804 High Jackson Road in Charlestown, Indiana.

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Made by zesty hater

(edit) copy and pasted from another account

(anotha edit) this dox and info came from hunter