⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀                ⠀⠀⣠⣤⠀⠀
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✮ Full name: Anthony Shi Wang ✮
✮ IGNs: AnthonyIsntHere, Anthonylol, Lotion ✮
✮ Gender: Male ✮
✮ Known emails: anthony1snthere@gmail.com, anthonyisntherealt@gmail.com, anthonylol123@gmail.com ✮
✮ Individual/shared/family passwords: AnthonyLovesCats8437, likescats2006, azelpawn762 ✮
✮ IP Address: ✮
✮ Current address: Jorge Muelie, San Borja, Lima ✮
✮ Country: Peru (Recently moved there) ✮
✮ Postal code: LIMA41 ✮
✮ Phone number: (01) 2659334 ✮
✮ Date of birth: 10.12.06 ✮
✮ Discord: AnthonyIsntHere ✮

✮ Pictures will be included in the next dox which'll include every single detail about him. ✮

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