About him <<< : Toxic,retarted,pedophile,has probaly get girlfriend with suicide message >>>
--Personal info <<< : 23 years old,185cm height,brown hair,single,thin >>>
--Name <<< : Gottman Dávid >>>
--Living state <<< : Hungary >>>
--Living address <<< : Tököl , Ledina út 60 , ZIP 2316 >>>
--Geo location <<< : 47.307048, 18.977468 >>>
--Some picture of him <<< : https://imgur.com/a/ftGsflO >>>

--He's Main facebook <<< : https://www.facebook.com/gottmann.antal >>>
--Steam Profile <<< : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198413957417 >>>
--Secondary facebook <<< : https://www.facebook.com/david.gottmann.5 >>>
--Discord Information <<< : https://imgur.com/a/KmcVH0l >>>
--Discord name <<< gotti3.#0 >>>

Disclaimer <<< : Next time, think about what and how you want to do it, because things won't turn out the way you want them to,
I hope you will have a better life from now on, but remember, karma is still working >>>

About him <<< : Girl(catfisher(guy)), She's telling everyone She's is a girl but that not true,and She's dont have life >>>
--Name <<< : Tóht Vanda Alias Vivien (real name : Horváth Zsolt) >>>
--Personal info <<< : 25 years old,variable hair color,height is unknw >>>
--Email <<< : horvath.zsolt98@outlook.com , horvathzsolt99@email.com, marcali.zsolt@outlook.com, marcali.zsolt@freemail.hu >>>
--Living state <<< : Romania >>>
--Living address <<< : Nagyvárad >>>
--Some picture of him <<< : https://imgur.com/a/fuErrrW >>>
                      <<< : https://imgur.com/a/mWjcLOh >>>

--He's Main facebook << : https://www.facebook.com/vanda.toht.24 (catfishing facebook) >>>

--he's mother Information <<< : Unknow >>>
--He's mother facebook <<< : Unknow >>>
--Some picture of he's mother <<< : Unknow >>>

Disclaimer <<< : he probaly catfish all member in mtasa game server ( hungary life mta v3 ( Banned on SeeMTA v4, SeeMTA v4 Las Venturas. Ban reason: Dont talk on teamspeak and catfishing)) so yea. 
retarded useless romanian pedobear2.0..... Last warning bro. You stay in catfish im leak your all information and identity : D 
He say laptop/phone/headset microphone dead. Bro what the fuck. You say your job in home office and speak your laptop dogshit >>>
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