____      _             _            _   _            ____            _     _     ____          _             _     _ _      
  / ___|__ _| |_ ___ _   _| | ___   _  | |_| |__   ___  |  _ \ __ _  ___(_)___| |_  |  _ \ ___  __| | ___  _ __ | |__ (_| | ___ 
 | |   / _` | __/ __| | | | |/ | | | | | __| '_ \ / _ \ | |_) / _` |/ __| / __| __| | |_) / _ \/ _` |/ _ \| '_ \| '_ \| | |/ _ \
 | |__| (_| | |_\__ | |_| |   <| |_| | | |_| | | |  __/ |  _ | (_| | (__| \__ | |_  |  __|  __| (_| | (_) | |_) | | | | | |  __/
  \____\__,_|\__|___/\__,_|_|\_\\__,_|  \__|_| |_|\___| |_| \_\__,_|\___|_|___/\__| |_|   \___|\__,_|\___/| .__/|_| |_|_|_|\___|
Reason for dox:

Abusing his ex-girlfriend/cheating on her (starting in October 2023)
Hacking ex-girlfriends accounts
Doxxing people for no reason/lying about them (https://doxbin.com/user/anonymous80)
Being a white supremacist
Abusing his mother/encouraging her to commit suicide
Abusing his little sister (9 years old)




Full Name: Daniel Neal Milledge
DOB: 06/18/2004 (Age 19)

Phone Numbers:

Current: 870-790-0122 (Mobile)
Current: 870-600-2551 (TextNow)

(870) 604-6169 - Mobile
(731) 324-3214 - Landline

Email Addresses:

danielmilledge04@gmail.com	Apr 25, 2021
commandprompt43@gmail.com	Feb 15, 2021

Possible Email Addresses:


Current Address:

307 W Melrose St #5
Jonesboro, AR 72401

Address History (God damn they moved a lot!):

853 Treewood Dr
Cookeville, TN 38501
(May 2011 - Apr 2021)

412B W 4th St
Cookeville, TN 38501
(Sep 2013 - Jun 2019)

217 N Hickory Ave
Cookeville, TN 38501
(Mar 2004 - Aug 2018)

1751 W Nettleton Ave #104G
Jonesboro, AR 72401
(Jul 2017)

149 Ridgedale Dr
Cookeville, TN 38501
(Jan 2017)

412 W 4th St
Cookeville, TN 38501
(Mar 2004 - Nov 2015)

PO Box 131
Bloomington Springs, TN 38545
(Mar 2004 - Oct 2014)

3010 Shepardsville Hwy
Bloomington Springs, TN 38545
(Mar 2004 - Jan 2014)

803 Crescent Dr
Cookeville, TN 38501
(Mar 2004 - Sep 2013)

17761 Nashville Hwy
Buffalo Valley, TN 38548
(Mar 2002 - Jul 2010)

100 Maddux Ct #G5
Cookeville, TN 38506
(Apr 2006 - Mar 2010)

3701 Mill Pond Rd
Silver Point, TN 38582
(Jan 1999 - Jun 2003)


4312 E G Street
Tacoma, Washington 98404

632 Wallen Hills Drive
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46825


Twitter (Why so many?):


YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/androidgaming404yt
Snapchat: danielcatsuku


Discord: catsuku
ID: 898868364372492318


Full Name: Crystal Leanne Milledge
DOB: 12/01/1977

Phone Numbers:

Current: 870-680-3319

(931) 372-0742 - Landline
(931) 854-7561 - Wireless
(931) 284-8927 - Wireless
(931) 267-1848 - Wireless
(931) 372-7207 - Landline
(931) 858-0421 - Landline
(870) 520-3298 - Wireless

Email Addresses:

daddyslittlegirl202201@yahoo.com (What the fuck?)

Current Address:

307 W Melrose St #5
Jonesboro, AR 72401

Address History:

853 Treewood Dr
Cookeville, TN 38501
(May 2011 - Apr 2021)

412B W 4th St
Cookeville, TN 38501
(Sep 2013 - Jun 2019)

217 N Hickory Ave
Cookeville, TN 38501
(Mar 2004 - Aug 2018)

1751 W Nettleton Ave #104G
Jonesboro, AR 72401
(Jul 2017)

149 Ridgedale Dr
Cookeville, TN 38501
(Jan 2017)

412 W 4th St
Cookeville, TN 38501
(Mar 2004 - Nov 2015)

PO Box 131
Bloomington Springs, TN 38545
(Mar 2004 - Oct 2014)

3010 Shepardsville Hwy
Bloomington Springs, TN 38545
(Mar 2004 - Jan 2014)

803 Crescent Dr
Cookeville, TN 38501
(Mar 2004 - Sep 2013)

17761 Nashville Hwy
Buffalo Valley, TN 38548
(Mar 2002 - Jul 2010)

100 Maddux Ct #G5
Cookeville, TN 38506
(Apr 2006 - Mar 2010)

3701 Mill Pond Rd
Silver Point, TN 38582
(Jan 1999 - Jun 2003)


Twitter: https://twitter.com/cherokeewoman33
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovelyqueencrystal78
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cherokeewoman78

I̲P̲ I̲n̲f̲o̲r̲m̲a̲t̲i̲o̲n̲

Date/Time		2023-11-10 00:22:23 UTC
IP Address
Country 		United States, Jonesboro
Browser		 	Firefox (119.0)
Operating System	Windows 10 x64
User Agent		Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/119.0
Referring URL		no referrer
Host Name		173-218-112-17.mid.dyn.suddenlink.net

Abusing your ex-girlfriend as well as your family, doxxing people for no reason, downloading their personal photos/leaking them, bullying/stalking them, taking no responsibility for all the lame shit you started with others and being a piece of shit white supremacist will get you nowhere in life. Allow me to tear you a new one. You are a sensitive, racist, uneducated, morally depraved bastard. If, perhaps, you'd finally wise up and stop blaming others for everything you started, people would begin to respect you and actually take you seriously, yet your stubborn and ugly ass chooses not to. You deliberately choose to be ignorant. You know damn well you're wrong and always have been wrong. You act like you're the winner in every argument and every issue you start, yet you're blinded by your own ignorance and twisted ideology. Clearly, you've never had a father to teach you right from wrong or to set you straight. Your old man left and never returned, which is how you became the fatherless son of a bitch you currently are today. You were nothing but a mistake created in the uterus of that racist dumb hag (known as your mother) who foolishly did not pay attention in sexual education and proceeded to sleep with random guys. She even went as far as to allow one to sexually assault her in the restroom of a KFC, resulting in you. Remember, you're just another copy of her... a racist, scrawny, ugly coward who will get nowhere in life if you continue refusing to grow some balls. Lastly, stop hoarding screenshots of people's conversations, you fucking creep. You're better off dead.