Reason: Mr.Webber (18) decided to have a 17yr old boy committ a assortment of crimes with him and ruined both their lives along with a 3rd victim who’s name I will not mention.


Name: Tyler Webber
address: 4881 Cambridge Dr Mims FL 32754
Age: 18
School: Astronaut High School
City: Titusville Mims (In Brevard County)
State: Florida
Gender: Male
Occupation: Terminated
DOB: Im too lazy to look for it

Criminal Record: Grand Theft Auto, Robbery, Destruction Of Property 


Moms Name: Patricia Marie Webber
Address: 4881 Cambridge Dr Mims FL 32754
Age: 70
City: Titusville 
State: Florida
Gender: Female
Mother of Tyler Webber
DOB: Im too lazy to look for this one aswell
Currently married


Nicholas Webber
Sean Webber
Ashley Merdan
Austin Webber
Bonnie Chesner
Bryan Webber
Bryanna Webber
Christina Finch
David Merdan
Donna Merdan
Jessica Mcghee
Joy Cuyler
Karen Beverley
Kayleigh Ivey
Leigh Dixon
Lois Webber

You got a 17yr old arrested because of your selfish actions Mr.Webber.

#FreeMySlimeL.L Till He Free


Photo of Mr.Webber and a photo of his busted ass house:

